Including Functions.php

Time Before: 0.00040 seconds
Time After: 0.00056 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00016 seconds

Memory Before: 509.820 KB
Memory After: 534.531 KB
Memory Used: 24.711 KB

Connect to Database on Server:

Time Before: 0.00058 seconds
Time After: 0.00104 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00046 seconds

Memory Before: 534.469 KB
Memory After: 535.461 KB
Memory Used: 0.992 KB

SQL Query
SET @@sql_mode = ''

Time Before: 0.00119 seconds
Time After: 0.00130 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00011 seconds

Memory Before: 536.016 KB
Memory After: 536.555 KB
Memory Used: 0.539 KB

Datastore Setup
SQL Query
FROM datastore
WHERE title IN ('iconcache','searchcloud','routes','navdata','options','bitfields','attachmentcache','forumcache','usergroupcache','stylecache','languagecache','products','pluginlist','cron','profilefield','loadcache','noticecache','activitystream','routes')
1SIMPLEdatastore rangePRIMARYPRIMARY52 18100.00Using index condition

Time Before: 0.00171 seconds
Time After: 0.00460 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00289 seconds

Memory Before: 539.586 KB
Memory After: 540.469 KB
Memory Used: 0.883 KB

Time Before: 0.00133 seconds
Time After: 0.00963 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00830 seconds

Memory Before: 535.805 KB
Memory After: 2,880.844 KB
Memory Used: 2,345.039 KB

Session Handling
SQL Query
FROM session
WHERE userid = 0
	AND host = ''
	AND idhash = '604f7d869624f75185131c8265d27043'
1SIMPLEsession refguest_lookup,user_activityguest_lookup51const,const,const2100.00 

Time Before: 0.01056 seconds
Time After: 0.01097 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00041 seconds

Memory Before: 3,379.859 KB
Memory After: 3,380.492 KB
Memory Used: 0.633 KB

SQL Query
SELECT languageid,
			phrasegroup_global AS phrasegroup_global,
			phrasegroup_search AS phrasegroup_search,
			phrasegroup_inlinemod AS phrasegroup_inlinemod,
			phrasegroup_prefix AS phrasegroup_prefix,
			phrasegroup_socialgroups AS phrasegroup_socialgroups,
			phrasegroup_prefix AS phrasegroup_prefix,
			phrasegroup_user AS phrasegroup_user,
			phrasegroupinfo AS lang_phrasegroupinfo,
			options AS lang_options,
			languagecode AS lang_code,
			charset AS lang_charset,
			locale AS lang_locale,
			imagesoverride AS lang_imagesoverride,
			dateoverride AS lang_dateoverride,
			timeoverride AS lang_timeoverride,
			registereddateoverride AS lang_registereddateoverride,
			calformat1override AS lang_calformat1override,
			calformat2override AS lang_calformat2override,
			logdateoverride AS lang_logdateoverride,
			decimalsep AS lang_decimalsep,
			thousandsep AS lang_thousandsep
FROM language
WHERE languageid = 1
1SIMPLElanguage systemPRIMARY   1100.00 

Time Before: 0.01241 seconds
Time After: 0.01288 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00046 seconds

Memory Before: 3,393.063 KB
Memory After: 3,392.922 KB
Memory Used: -0.141 KB

Time Before: 0.01009 seconds
Time After: 0.01297 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00288 seconds

Memory Before: 3,372.258 KB
Memory After: 3,515.914 KB
Memory Used: 143.656 KB

SQL Query
SELECT MAX(permissions & 1) AS perm
FROM cms_permissions
WHERE nodeid = 1 AND usergroupid IN (1)
1SIMPLEcms_permissions constusergroupid,nodeidusergroupid8const,const1100.00 

Time Before: 0.01534 seconds
Time After: 0.01549 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00015 seconds

Memory Before: 4,105.742 KB
Memory After: 4,106.258 KB
Memory Used: 0.516 KB

SQL Query
FROM style
WHERE (styleid = 20 AND userselect = 1)
	OR styleid = 20
ORDER BY styleid ASC
1SIMPLEstyle constPRIMARYPRIMARY2const1100.00 

Time Before: 0.02354 seconds
Time After: 0.02385 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00031 seconds

Memory Before: 4,109.758 KB
Memory After: 4,110.367 KB
Memory Used: 0.609 KB

End call of global.php: 0.025532007217407
SQL Query
SELECT data, expires, locktime, serialized
FROM cache
WHERE cacheid = 'vb_types.types'
1SIMPLEcache constPRIMARYPRIMARY66const1100.00 

Time Before: 0.02655 seconds
Time After: 0.02671 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00017 seconds

Memory Before: 5,015.320 KB
Memory After: 5,015.859 KB
Memory Used: 0.539 KB

SQL Query
SELECT thread.threadid
FROM thread AS thread

WHERE thread.forumid IN(199, 240, 246, 244, 105, 104, 79, 174, 230, 231, 188, 112, 81, 88, 82, 84, 83, 164, 87, 95, 96, 97, 106, 100, 125, 107, 90, 91, 92, 153, 124, 170, 154, 173, 73, 74, 78, 176, 144, 129, 67, 68, 117, 151, 221, 171, 172, 157, 150, 70, 69, 167, 168, 193, 194, 158, 159, 160, 234, 165, 235, 236, 113, 179, 131, 114, 192, 149, 116, 152, 190, 130, 135, 196, 148)
	AND thread.lastpost >= 1718517983
	 AND thread.postuserid NOT IN (20196,22531)
	AND <> 10
ORDER BY thread.lastpost desc
1SIMPLEthread rangepostuserid,forumid,forumid_lastpost,lastpostlastpost4 179.28Using index condition; Using where; Backward index scan

Time Before: 0.04028 seconds
Time After: 0.04092 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00064 seconds

Memory Before: 5,953.086 KB
Memory After: 5,953.125 KB
Memory Used: 0.039 KB

SQL Query
REPLACE INTO searchlog
	(0,'','510597a509003a559eccfcb16a597e92','groupdateline','desc',0,1718604383,0,'O:18:\"vB_Search_Criteria\":15:{s:28:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0keywords\";a:0:{}s:32:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0raw_keywords\";s:0:\"\";s:29:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0titleonly\";b:0;s:27:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0filters\";a:2:{s:11:\"contenttype\";a:1:{s:2:\"eq\";a:1:{i:0;i:1;}}s:7:\"datecut\";a:1:{s:2:\"gt\";i:1718517983;}}s:24:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0sort\";a:2:{i:0;s:13:\"groupdateline\";i:1;s:4:\"desc\";}s:27:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0grouped\";i:1;s:31:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0searchterms\";a:4:{s:10:\"searchdate\";i:1;s:13:\"contenttypeid\";s:1:\"1\";s:11:\"search_type\";i:1;s:9:\"showposts\";i:0;}s:32:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0criteria_set\";b:1;s:35:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0advanced_typeid\";b:0;s:35:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0display_strings\";a:2:{s:4:\"type\";s:11:\"Type: Posts\";s:7:\"newitem\";s:19:\"Posts From Last Day\";}s:32:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0common_words\";a:0:{}s:30:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0highlights\";a:0:{}s:33:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0search_string\";N;s:26:\"\0vB_Search_Criteria\0errors\";a:0:{}s:11:\"search_type\";s:3:\"new\";}','')

Time Before: 0.04107 seconds
Time After: 0.04357 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00250 seconds

Memory Before: 5,944.531 KB
Memory After: 5,943.672 KB
Memory Used: -0.859 KB

SQL Query
UPDATE searchlog
SET results = 'a:4:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:3:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";i:1;s:5:\"97933\";i:2;s:5:\"97933\";}i:1;a:3:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";i:1;s:5:\"97900\";i:2;s:5:\"97900\";}}i:1;i:-1;i:2;N;i:3;N;}'
WHERE searchlogid = 12680512

Time Before: 0.04393 seconds
Time After: 0.04603 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00210 seconds

Memory Before: 5,939.234 KB
Memory After: 5,939.414 KB
Memory Used: 0.180 KB

SQL Query
UPDATE searchlog
SET searchtime = 0.01577,
	completed = 1
WHERE searchlogid = 12680512

Time Before: 0.04607 seconds
Time After: 0.04798 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00191 seconds

Memory Before: 5,938.742 KB
Memory After: 5,939.047 KB
Memory Used: 0.305 KB

SQL Query
SELECT moderator.*, user.username,
IF(user.displaygroupid = 0, user.usergroupid, user.displaygroupid) AS displaygroupid, infractiongroupid
FROM moderator AS moderator
INNER JOIN user AS user USING(userid)
1SIMPLEmoderator ALLuserid_forumid   17100.00 
1SIMPLEuser eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.moderator.userid1100.00 

Time Before: 0.04851 seconds
Time After: 0.04886 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00034 seconds

Memory Before: 5,960.109 KB
Memory After: 5,961.813 KB
Memory Used: 1.703 KB

SQL Query
SELECT thread.*,post.pagetext AS preview,avatar.avatarpath, NOT ISNULL(customavatar.userid) AS hascustomavatar, user.avatarrevision,
			customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline, customavatar.width AS width, customavatar.height AS height,
			customavatar.height_thumb AS height_thumb, customavatar.width_thumb AS width_thumb, customavatar.filedata_thumb,
			first_user.avatarrevision AS first_avatarrevision, first_avatar.avatarpath AS first_avatarpath,
			NOT ISNULL(first_customavatar.userid) AS first_hascustomavatar, first_customavatar.dateline AS first_avatardateline,
			first_customavatar.width AS first_width, first_customavatar.height AS first_height, first_customavatar.height_thumb
			AS first_height_thumb, first_customavatar.width_thumb AS first_width_thumb, first_customavatar.filedata_thumb AS
FROM thread AS thread
	LEFT JOIN post AS post ON(post.postid = thread.firstpostid)
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = thread.lastposterid)
LEFT JOIN avatar AS avatar ON (avatar.avatarid = user.avatarid)
LEFT JOIN customavatar AS customavatar ON (customavatar.userid = user.userid)
LEFT JOIN user AS first_user ON (first_user.userid = thread.postuserid)
LEFT JOIN avatar AS first_avatar ON (first_avatar.avatarid = first_user.avatarid)
LEFT JOIN customavatar AS first_customavatar ON (first_customavatar.userid = first_user.userid)
	SELECT threadid, MAX(dateline) AS lastposttime
	FROM post
	WHERE threadid IN (97933,97900)
		AND userid = 0
	GROUP BY threadid
) AS lastpost ON (lastpost.threadid = thread.threadid)
WHERE thread.threadid IN (97933,97900)
1PRIMARYthread rangePRIMARYPRIMARY4 2100.00Using index condition
1PRIMARYpost eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.thread.firstpostid1100.00 
1PRIMARYuser eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.thread.lastposterid1100.00 
1PRIMARYavatar eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY2xapexspeed.user.avatarid1100.00Using where
1PRIMARYcustomavatar eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.user.userid1100.00 
1PRIMARYfirst_user eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.thread.postuserid1100.00 
1PRIMARYfirst_avatar eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY2xapexspeed.first_user.avatarid1100.00Using where
1PRIMARYfirst_customavatar eq_refPRIMARYPRIMARY4xapexspeed.first_user.userid1100.00 
1PRIMARY ref4xapexspeed.thread.threadid2100.00 
2DERIVEDpost rangethreadid,threadid_visible_dateline,userid,user_datethreadid8 2100.00Using index condition

Time Before: 0.04991 seconds
Time After: 0.05051 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00060 seconds

Memory Before: 6,022.430 KB
Memory After: 6,022.313 KB
Memory Used: -0.117 KB

SQL Query
UPDATE searchlog
SET results = 'a:4:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;a:3:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";i:1;s:5:\"97933\";i:2;s:5:\"97933\";}i:1;a:3:{i:0;s:1:\"2\";i:1;s:5:\"97900\";i:2;s:5:\"97900\";}}i:1;i:1;i:2;a:1:{i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:5:\"97933\";i:1;s:5:\"97900\";}}i:3;a:1:{i:2;a:0:{}}}'
WHERE searchlogid = 12680512

Time Before: 0.05071 seconds
Time After: 0.05293 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00222 seconds

Memory Before: 6,022.688 KB
Memory After: 6,022.813 KB
Memory Used: 0.125 KB

SQL Query
SELECT text, languageid, special
FROM phrase AS phrase
LEFT JOIN phrasetype USING (fieldname)
WHERE phrase.fieldname = 'frontredirect'
	AND varname = 'search' AND languageid IN (-1, 0, 1)
1SIMPLEphrase rangename_lang_type,languageidname_lang_type276 3100.00Using index condition
1SIMPLEphrasetype constPRIMARYPRIMARY22const1100.00 

Time Before: 0.05347 seconds
Time After: 0.05383 seconds
Time Taken: 0.00036 seconds

Memory Before: 6,022.422 KB
Memory After: 6,022.859 KB
Memory Used: 0.438 KB

Page generated in 0.053913116455078 seconds with 15 queries, spending 0.015630006790161 doing MySQL queries and 0.038283109664917 doing PHP things.
Shutdown Queries: