Need some inexpensive shake-down or testing time pre-Runoffs? Or, like me, trying to get a jump-start on next season?

Kevin Fandozzi has rented the track for an open-wheel-only test day Sept 14th, next Wednesday. Track will be hot 12-5PM, $150.

As I understand, the plan is no sessions, just open track time for running.

Cost is being kept down to try to stimulate more interest in getting open wheel racing rekindled at Waterford Hills; of late, it's been a bit quiet short of a determined F5 group.

A little video from last weekend to whet your whistle - me running with Fandozzi and Chris Scharnow fighting for the overall lead (with a bit of Steve Thompson in there at the start, as well):

I'll be busy there working my way through setups... hope to see you there!