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Thread: Rob St. Clair

  1. #81
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    I am absolutlely speechless. I first met Rob back in the mid 90's and he was always a gentlemen. For over 10 years I raced against his drivers and he was always happy to help. I know the racing community which is very small will miss him very much. The emptyness in my heart I am sure is felt from all that knew him from coast to coast. I know Mark, Bill, Jason, Dave, Matt, Cole, Gibby and the rest of his family will have only wonderful memories about a great guy. The memory tape that Janice put together says it all. Rob will be missed forever and never forgotten. Thanks for all the memories.

    Scott Dick

  2. #82
    Senior Member HazelNut's Avatar
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    RIP Rob. My condolences to his family, crew, and all his drivers. The F2k paddock will have another hole in it that simply can't be filled.

  3. #83
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    Default Rob

    Does anyone know who will have the hard copies of the slideshow of Rob in Michigan? I would like one because it does not work on my Mac

  4. #84
    Grand Pooh Bah Purple Frog's Avatar
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    Dave Stevens will have some DVD copies at his office when the postman arrives there tomorrow morning (Wed.).

    We are hoping maybe someone with a DVD copier in Michigan can make copies for folks up there. Janice built it with ProShow Gold software. After she has compiled the show she can tell the software to print off a copy in DVD format. We played the master DVDs in a few different DVD players here before we shipped them. Since she does not add protection code to the copy, those DVDs should be able to be copied.

    We also sent him DVDs with just the high resolution jpeg images of all the photos we had on file.

  5. #85
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    Thank You. I talked to Dave.

    Thanks Again.
    John C. Moffat

  6. #86
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    i watched janice's video several times times tonight. damn. rob's death didn't really hit home till now. i had to call bill and unload a little on him. i am really gonna miss that guy.

    mark d

  7. #87
    Grand Pooh Bah Purple Frog's Avatar
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    When Janice and I were compiling pictures, we had literally hundreds of St. Clair Motorsports. We made the show focus on Rob. Because we didn't have pictures of all the club drivers, or crew that doesn't come to pro races, etc, etc. we decided to not put pictures of drivers and crew in the show. We felt like we didn't want to leave any St. Clair supported driver or crew member out, and we knew we didn't have pictures of everyone. Hope folks understand.

    Last edited by Purple Frog; 01.08.11 at 5:02 PM.

  8. #88
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    Default Batman

    Mike & Janice has done a beautiful job with all the pictures & video, thank you!! The pictures of Rob are great with the smile on his face, usually it meant he up to something, but a smile was always GOOD!


  9. #89
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    Sad, sad news. Kris Kaiser called me on Saturday to tell me the news. Christi and I had just arrived in Vegas for a long awaited vacation..........which became subdoed thinking of our friend Rob. No matter what he was working on, happy or pissed off, he would still look at you and role his eyes and smile. He was a fixture at the track that I will miss greatly. If I ever needed something at the track I would think of him and he would usually have it......I would tell him to put it on Mark Defers bill and we would laugh. ( he never did Mark). On the grid at the Mid Ohio Runoffs with Bill Jordan, Rob and Pinelopie Pitstop......good fun!

    We will miss you Rob,

    Steve knapp

  10. #90
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    Default A Day at the Mid Ohio Runoffs

    One hot day at the Runoffs in MidOhio, yep it was a few years back.

    It must have been early in the test week because no one was around. I was making my rounds on one of the Stimola scooters when I happened by a familiar tent with someone working alone, sweating and stugling, "wrastleing a motor in". There was Rob changing an engine, it was on the way back in, but being alone, on a grassey hill, trying to push a heavy engine hoist and achieve mating perfection was difficult to say the least. So I stopped re introduced myself and asked if he would like to take a break. We had kind of known each other but never formaly met as I was new to the racing world. He did take a break, grabbed a drink and sat wiping the sweat from his head.

    Mind if I help, I asked, his reply, I've been trying for an hour she just wont go in. He sat, I walked around the chassis and engine hoist, realigned everything getting it ready for the final push. We finished up our drinks, and both gave it the precise shove it needed. It slid together, we did not struggle, nor break a sweat, it just went together. I put a couple of bolts on to hold it. Rob and I stepped back and shrugged our shoulders.

    I do not know who's car it was, whether it was red or green, it did not matter because the thanks I got from Rob were heart felt and real. I knew that a cold drink and little bit of luck can take you places. It also led to the begining of our friendship.

    You will be missed Rob.

    Your friend, Angelo.

  11. #91
    Senior Member Dave Stevens's Avatar
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    Default Donations in Rob's Name

    I have had several questions regarding any charities that the family may favor, for those who have expressed interest in remembering Rob in some special way. As many of you know Rob was a true animal lover, and just as he would go out of his way to help anyone who needed assistance at the track, he was this way with animals around him also.

    At the request of Rob's family and in honor of Rob's ongoing dedication to helping stray animals, please direct any condolence gifts (in lieu of flowers) to the Michigan Humane Society, Westland Chapter:

    Michigan Humane Society
    Westland Chapter
    900 N. Newburgh Rd.
    Westland, MI 48185

    Thank you,

  12. #92
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    yes, it's true that rob was a true animal lover. he hated the thought of any animal large or small being hurt or suffering. yet rob was also an all american red meat lover. he loved his steaks. i always wondered how he reconciled his love of red meat with his desire to never hurt an animal. so one day i asked him just that. he then went on to explain that he only ate beef from cows that were killed in plane crashes......

    mark d

  13. #93
    Contributing Member Steve Thomson's Avatar
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    Default Another perspective about Rob

    My husband Steve has kindly let me use his log in to offer me an opportunity to remember Rob.

    I have been reading everyone's posts and I believe with the exception of Happiness (Robin) all have been good guy friends or competitors of Rob and St. Clair Motorsports.

    It was not until we started to participate in the F2000 series as ZSports Midwest that I really had the opportunity to know Rob. Well, previously I had sort of met him when we were at the Run Offs at Mid Ohio and Mark Defer was throwing a steak dinner party under the St. Clair paddock, but that is a different story.

    Rob was a sweet, funny man and, I don't think I have seen others say, a bit shy. It would take awhile to get him chatting. I usually had to start teasing him. He always acted as a gentleman with me.

    As competitors when our driver was at the top of the field or won, he would drive by on his golf cart and stick his tongue out at us. When his driver was the one to ace everyone out, I would go by and give him the same treatment. Today while at work I watched Janice Eakin's photo tribute (thank you!) and while both giggling and ducking down so no one would see me crying, realized that Rob did that a lot :-)

    At one point Rob and I both found out that we were the same age. Actually, he gleefully told me that I was older. Yeah, and I always came back - but just by a few months buddy!

    I have felt that everyone in the F2000 series are all friends and family and I too, feel that I have lost a member of my family.

    Rob, I will truly miss you even tho' you are Michigan and we are Minnesota. This coming summer will not be the same without you.

    Robin - Honey, you know how much I grieve with you.

    To Rob's family - sincere condolences to the loss of a wonderful man.

    with love and respect,

    Leslie Thomson
    Last edited by Steve Thomson; 11.03.10 at 8:47 PM. Reason: spelling
    Steve Thomson
    ZSports Midwest

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by mark defer View Post
    he then went on to explain that he only ate beef from cows that were killed in plane crashes......

    mark d
    Mark, that is so funny I can barely type. He told me something like that a couple years back about his steak addiction, and I told him he was full of it, and we laughed our back sides off. He sure did have a real funny sense of humor didn't he? I miss him... I sure am glad we talked the day before.

  15. #95
    Senior Member Cole Morgan's Avatar
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    My #1 favorite story ever was from the last weekend I saw Rob. Mid-O of this year. He told a story about his "Fat Cat Fred" and a groundhog he had named Alex that was living under his shed, and a raccoon the was in a tree in his backyard. Needless to say, it was a classic.

  16. #96
    Contributing Member Ron B.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Thomson View Post
    My husband Steve has kindly let me use his log in to offer me an opportunity to remember Rob.

    I have been reading everyone's posts and I believe with the exception of Happiness (Robin) all have been good guy friends or competitors of Rob and St. Clair Motorsports.

    It was not until we started to participate in the F2000 series as ZSports Midwest that I really had the opportunity to know Rob. Well, previously I had sort of met him when we were at the Run Offs at Mid Ohio and Mark Defer was throwing a steak dinner party under the St. Clair paddock, but that is a different story.

    Rob was a sweet, funny man and, I don't think I have seen others say, a bit shy. It would take awhile to get him chatting. I usually had to start teasing him. He always acted as a gentleman with me.

    As competitors when our driver was at the top of the field or won, he would drive by on his golf cart and stick his tongue out at us. When his driver was the one to ace everyone out, I would go by and give him the same treatment. Today while at work I watched Janice Eakin's photo tribute (thank you!) and while both giggling and ducking down so no one would see me crying, realized that Rob did that a lot :-)

    At one point Rob and I both found out that we were the same age. Actually, he gleefully told me that I was older. Yeah, and I always came back - but just by a few months buddy!

    I have felt that everyone in the F2000 series are all friends and family and I too, feel that I have lost a member of my family.

    Rob, I will truly miss you even tho' you are Michigan and we are Minnesota. This coming summer will not be the same without you.

    Robin - Honey, you know how much I grieve with you.

    To Rob's family - sincere condolences to the loss of a wonderful man.

    with love and respect,

    Leslie Thomson
    Ron Boltik likes this.

    See you Saturday Rob. All at ZSports Midwest will miss your kind and helpful soul.....

  17. #97
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    I started helping Jason work on his FF's in 94. In 96, he decided to join forces with Jon Horgas and have Rob St. Clair prep their cars. They asked me to help out on race weekends. I have worked with Rob every season but one since then.

    As Rob grew his team, I took care of the chassis setups, the data systems, and the note taking; what Rob liked to call, "the engineering (crap)." We didnt always see eye to eye on how to handle the tasks at hand; Rob wasn't big on on coming up with plans or lists in those days and well, I was(am) an engineer. I don't have enough fingers or toes to count how many times he mumbled " F'in Engineer" my way. But one thing I could never question was his car prep. The cars were immaculate and he knew everything about the cars. I used to tease himhow he needed me to tell him how much tip to leave on a $100 dinner bill, but could recite every single fastener or part on the race cars in a moment's notice.

    So many memories come to mind when I think about the past 15 years working for Rob; winning the June Sprints with Jon in 96 (and one helluva night at Siebkins after). Putting the first 99 Van Diemen together for Jason. Defer's 1st lap with St. Clair and driving right off the track before completing a lap. National wins and track records. Disappointing Runoffs, followed by fulfilling podiums. The St. clair Runoffs parties. Moving up to the Cooper Series and winning the Masters Championships. The infamous Sebring golf cart races. Columbian drivers, that are slow, and crash a lot. Siebkins. The look on his face after I crashed Jason's Zetec at Waterford (at least I was leading the race!). Winning the F2000 championship with Cole and coming close 2 years later with Matthew. Did I mention Siebkins? My favorite memory was watching Rob place the "kill sticker" on the trailer door after one of his drivers won. He didn't always say a lot during the ritual, but you knew at that moment he was damn proud.

    After a race started and the early lap chaos subsided, Rob would make sure the crew had everything under control and then go enjoy the race with a smoke behind pit lane. I hope he is able to enjoy watch his drivers race from a far better place now.

    The F'in Engineer misses you !

  18. #98
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    I only met Rob after moving to TRE and attending the Run Offs at Topeka. Later, I would see him during my road trips to Road America. I really never had the chance to know him very well. As a guy who has spent most of his adult life employed in race prep, I immediately recognized Rob as a first class guy. He was a pro, he enjoyed his work, he was obviously great fun to be around. That's about all we can wish for in life. Rob was one of those special people who leave a large hole in everyones lives when they depart. He will be greatly missed.

  19. #99
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    I was lucky enough to work for Rob for at least a season (00/01ish). He taught me so much. I am proud to have been part of that team. Working at the shop, flat tires driving to Sebring, both on trailers and the rental cars.

    Rest in piece Rob!
    Kris Walker
    Last edited by Racer23; 11.06.10 at 8:58 AM.

  20. #100
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    Default Rest well my friend.

    It is over. A bitter sweet memory with Rob has again been forged. I will not cherish this memory like the others, though it was very nice to get Don Seivenpipers' call prior to the weekend, but seeing Gibby, Jason, Dave Dixon, Dave W., Jerry S., Steve T., Dan B., Mark Davison., Lew and Lewie, the list goes on and on. A night to remember, and to try to forget. I miss you buddy.

  21. #101
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    I had no idea and I'm left feeling completely empty inside. Rob was one of the nicest guys I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I can't begin to explain how much he helped an idiot like me try to get going in racing. I was a nobody when I started but Rob treated me like a champ from the first time we spoke. I wish I had heard sooner so I could have made the service.

    My deepest condolences to his family and many friends. I'll be lighting a candle for him at church today.

    Deepest regrets,


  22. #102
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    Default What a tribute

    My heartfelt thanks to all of Rob's family and friends for a weekend full of fitting tributes to Rob.

    The stories made me laugh and cry - but most importantly reminded me of how Rob had and still does touch my life.

    Again thanks,
    Jim Williams

    p.s. I've been singing that song ever since Saturday night - how fun!

  23. #103
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    it's nice to know you enjoyed the song. there was actually someone in attendence who thought
    the song was somehow disrespectful to rob. anyone who really knew rob would know that that wasn't the case.

    mark d

  24. #104
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    Default Mark

    Speaking for the high school crowd - we loved it!

    It would be nice to have the full lyircs posted for those interested.

    Jim Williams

  25. #105
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    Default Lyrics

    I think thread #25........

  26. #106
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    the version on post #25 was just the first verse.
    here's the complete sonf with the second verse, as well as a added verse for last saturday night.

    St Clair fight song. Sung to the tune of ?Build Me Up Buttercup? Apologies to the Foundations

    Why do you prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob buddy then the car breaks down, a defect is found.
    And then worst of all [worst of all], you don't have it ready when you say you will [say you will], but I love you still.
    I need you [I need you], more than engineers Robbie, you know that I have from the start.
    So prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob, hope the car starts.

    You?ll make the track by 10 you tell me time and again,
    but you're late, I wait around and then.
    I run to the gate, it's now more than late, it's not you, you've let me down again.

    Hey, hey, hey, Robbie Rob, try to find,
    Hey, hey, hey, a little time to prep the cars better,
    Hey, hey, I'll be there, in nomex underwear, waiting for you, you-ooh -ooh, you-ooh-ooh.

    Why do you prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob buddy then the car breaks down, a defect is found.
    And then worst of all [worst of all], you don't have it ready when you say you will [say you will], but I love you still.
    I need you [I need you], more than engineers Robbie, you know that I have from the start.
    So prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob, hope the car starts.

    Just try some more, and you could be the boy we adore,
    if just the cars were right,
    Bad prep aside, it's been quite a ride, furthermore
    is it loose or tight?

    Hey, hey, hey, Robbie Rob, try to find,
    Hey, hey, hey, a little time to prep the cars better,
    Hey, hey, I'll be there, in nomex underwear, waiting for you, you-ooh-ooh, you-ooh-ooh.

    Why do you prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob buddy then the car breaks down, a defect is found.
    And then worst of all [worst of all], you don't have it ready when you say you will [say you will], but I love you still.
    I need you [I need you], more than engineers Robbie, you know that I have from the start.
    So prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob, hope the car starts.

    Rob?s last race has run, his story?s now done.
    So to him, let us sing this praise.
    Athough often late, the cars were just great,
    Here?s to you, till our dying days.

    Hey, hey, hey, Robbie Rob, try to find,
    Hey, hey, hey, a little time to prep the cars better,
    Hey, hey, I'll be there, in nomex underwear, waiting for you ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh.

    Why do you prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob buddy then the car breaks down, a defect is found.
    And then worst of all [worst of all], you don't have it ready when you say you will [say you will], but I love you still.
    I need you [I need you], more than engineers Robbie, you know that I have from the start.
    So prep me up [prep me up], Robbie Rob, hope the car starts.

    mark d

  27. #107
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    Thanks for the lyrics Mark!

  28. #108
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    I was saddened to learn of the passing of a childhood bestfriend of mine--Rob St. Clair. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and to his many friends and acquaintances.

    Rob, or Robert as I knew him until around 7th grade, lived just around the corner from me in the Detroit suburb of Bloomfield Hills, and had an early passion for motorbikes. He owned a Honda CT-70 that we loved driving across his huge front yard, which doubled as our baseball field. And, as kids sometimes do, we would take that Honda for a spin around the block.

    Rob's next interest was the dirtbike. Around that time it was not unusual to find Rob holed up in his garage tinkering on his family's cars. The young teen would be working with complete concentration and would sometimes be hard to locate under the vehicle.

    Rob and I both attended Vaughan elementary school, and I've recently gone to my photo albums where I see a young Rob in my kindergarten and 6th grade classes. Rob's father, Bill, worked for Rockwell International, and his mother, Margaret--a life-long bestfriend of my mother--stayed at home where she raised Rob and his older brother and two older sisters.

    There's an heroic act that Rob performed in his childhood. For this I will always be indebted to him, and it's something that he probably never mentioned to anyone or thought it a "big deal" at the time. During a 6th-grade fieldtrip at a science center in suburban Detroit, while on break that day, Rob, I, and a few other students wandered onto an icy pond near a private girls' school. Rob made it across, but I broke through the ice about eight feet from shore. Rob reached out for me and helped me get out. To this day I'm not certain whether or not I could have gotten out myself, but either way, he at least spared me from enduring the frigid water any longer.

    A couple of other things I remember about him. He told me that he was born in Newark, Ohio and that his middle name of Stuart was given him in recognition of his ancestry in the House of Stuarts. The family owned a German Shepherd named Charmer, whose loyalty to them was clear whenever you approached their home. Rob did love steaks, his parents often using the grill. He was raised a Catholic.

    I have quite a few fond memories of Rob and early photos of him, which I'll gladly share with others, in his honor and memory, if requests are sent to me.

    RIP, Rob. And thank you for our friendship.

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    Default Thinking of Rob.

    I'm not exactly sure what prompted me to look it up, but I was thinking of Rob and simply felt the need to check out the old thread.

    A good number of you might have no recollection of who I am but I was one of the race engineers under the St. Clair tent from 2001 until the end. For the last several years of SCM it was Satchell and I tag team engineering the cars with Jason Steeb (forever and affectionately known as Tubby to me, thanks to Rob) pinch hitting from time to time.

    It was a great chapter in my life with countless memories of Rob and the team indelibly burned into not just my memory banks but as a part of who I am. None of it would have been possible without Rob at the center of it.

    Since his passing, I've spoken to most of the other bits and pieces of St. Clair Motorsports and there is one common statement. "While racing has gone on... it just isn't the same without Robbie Rob."

    Here we are working on 4 years since his passing and while I can't say that I think of him every day, I can say that I do think about him a lot of days. His passing marked an end of an era.

    Wherever you are Rob... you are still missed.

    Tony. aka... 'Kong'.

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