Hey all, just a few notes in case you have not seen the few updates for the week. First of all, check out the tech section and you will notice a new "Calculator" section. Forum member Dave Davidson contribted a few MS Excel spreadsheet files that may help you with some of your race setup calculations. If nothing else, they are cool to play with.

There is also a feature article written by Keith Carter about the perils and pressures of attending your first SCCA driver's school. It is an entertaining read.

There are also links being added and updated daily. If you have any new links you feel could help or should be added, send them to: links@formulacontinental.com.

Hopefully this week we will be assembing the Gallery of images. Please feel free to send in pictures you have taken or pictures of your own car to us here at: gallery@formulacontinental.com. The gallery will be organized by brand and year, and hopefully will be at least a nice resource for f2000 identification.

It looks like the first week of the site has had some great success. We have had good, strong support for the ideas we have in mind for the future, and great feedback from readers. We hope to keep growing this site, with help from everyone, to build it into something we can all use.


GREEN means GO

[This message has been edited by f2000 (edited December 11, 2000).]