Call to Action: FF drivers, crew, and other interested parties: You’ve likely seen some action from us and ZOOM meeting notes regarding a tire rule change we intended to make. The change request submission was entered into the SCCA letter system a few minutes ago. It is letter #37802. The submission is published just below.
The SCCA needs to know your in favor of this change in the next couple of days. We implore you to submit your own letter with the tittle “I support Letter #37802” and in the description restate it as “I support Letter #37802”. Naturally, you can expand your thoughts if you wish to do so.
Surf to to fill out the form that is your letter. You will need to enter your name, phone number, email address, and member #. Then select Club Racing Board, Formula/Sports Racing, and finally FF as the class.
If you are not a member and want to show your support, please email me at and let me know you support it. I will compile a list and forward it to the CRB. Our hope is this rule will bring new or returning people to the SCCA, so having a list of potential new people could really help this change go through.
Many people have told us they want this tire rule change. This is your chance to be heard. The goal is 75+ of you to support letter #37802. Please like this post if you intend or did send in a letter so we can keep count.
Please note: Hoosier does no longer makes bias ply rains of appropriate dimensions. They suggest using the radial rains or the VFF tire. For rain, the radials like less camber than in the dry so the bias ply camber happens to work well for the radial rains.
The CRB Submission:
A large group of Formula F competitors have banded together to promote the SCCA FF class. We would like to dramatically increase participation over the next few years. We have put a growth plan together based on the B-Spec growth plan with the key element being to network with car owners to help them get to SCCA Majors. 2/3 of the people on our list do not run with SCCA. Note that the current Majors competitors like the current rules package and started this journey thinking there was no need for change. However, in our talks with the non-SCCA Majors competitors they note the current tire rule as being their primary barrier. A surprisingly big barrier. We have had a ZOOM call every Thursday for 12 of the last 13 weeks for all of us to discuss these topics. Our talks have uncovered three situations:
- The folks that generally fit into the CFF era of cars run either the treaded vintage Hoosier tire (VFF) or the Hoosier R60 bias ply tires. They love those tires and do not want to switch to radials to run SCCA Majors. However, dozens note they would like to run in Majors. Coincidently, most SCCA divisions allow these other Hoosier tires per their CFF rules.
- Those of us who currently run SCCA Majors like the currently mandated radial.
- There is an era of cars in between. Swift DB1 and Pre-1990 Reynard’s with rocker-arm suspensions who say they can’t put enough camber in the car to run the radials. And note that when they try the cars just aren’t fun. So they race elsewhere or just park the cars out of frustration. They firmly want to run the Hoosier R60 Bias ply tire.
Based on these studies and debate, during last Thursday’s ZOOM meeting we narrowed down the options and agreed to request the following tire rule change. The beginning of the rule is the same as today:
e. Formula F shall be limited to the following tires (front tires may not be used as rears):
Dries: Front- Hoosier R60A Radial 43322 or F1600 Radial 43321 185/60R13
Rear- Hoosier R60A Radial 43327 or F1600 Radial 43326 205/60R13
Wets: Front-Hoosier Wet or W3 Radial 44421 185/60R13
Rear-Hoosier Wet or W3 Radial 44426 205/60R13
In addition to the above, FF cars with rocker-arm suspensions (example: Swift DB1, 1987-90 Reynard) and/or outboard suspension on at least one end (commonly called CFF) may use the following tires:
Dries: Front - Hoosier H43130R60A 20.0 x 6.0-13 bias ply slick
Rear – Hoosier H43307R60A 22.5 x 7.2-13 bias ply slick
Wets: Use the Radial wets or VFF listed above.
Front - Hoosier 44165 135/545-13 VFF
Rear - Hoosier 44170 165/580-13 VFF
Tires may not be mixed i.e. bias tires may not be mixed with radial or VFF and vice versa.
The above is the extent of the rule change we are requesting. Please note:
- I also talked to Bruce Foss at Hoosier a couple times as the concept matured, and he agrees this should help drive participation and the change is of no concern to Hoosier.
- This letter supersedes #37499 I submitted on December 5, 2024. Our group has grown dramatically since then and we’re a lot smarter now.
- This rule change does not have a negative impact on any FF cars currently competing under the existing tire rule.
- Surf to or Formula F/1600 Racing USA on Facebook to see what we are aspiring to accomplish.