I bought this car a year ago to get back in to some road course racing. Plans have changed and after putting a lot of work into it I’ve lost interest.
Since being converted to a SRF3 it has only seen one race weekend where it ran flawlessly according to the prior owner. The transmission was refreshed shortly prior to the conversion. I don’t recall the specifics regarding how many sessions were on it, but it was very few. Mechanically the car was very good but I went through everything and updated things that were out of date. It has the AIM MXM display and data logging system.
I made the following updates:
· New belts
· New fire suppression system
· New SCCA figerglass seat for using with a poured bead seat
· New AIM bullet camera (not installed)
· New MOMO steering wheel
I performed the following maintenance:
· Oil change
· Transmission fluid change
· Flushed the radiator
· Removed and inspected the fuel cell
· Removed, disassembled and, and greased the driveshaft CV joints
· Installed the required LED brakes light
· Installed the required throttle body spacer
· Removed and inspected the brake calipers and replaced the brake fluid
· Installed upgraded shift linkage
It will come with the following:
· Log book and original owner’s documentation
· Setup bars
· 2 sets of nice Weld wheels
· 1 set of steel wheels with rain tires
· Radios
· Some spare wheel hubs, spindles, etc
· 2 steel weights
· Large bead seat kit
· AIM bullet camera 2.2
· MOMO steering wheel
No subscription transponder
Penske shocks
The new owner will need to:
· Finish the bodywork and paint. It is structurally good but could use some light filler and sanding to look really nice.
· Pour the bead seat
· Install the new steering wheel
I can get some more pictures. It has been in my heated shop where you can come and inspect it and hear it run. I have driven it around the neighborhood prior to starting to work on it.
With a little body work and paint you can have a beautiful SRF3 with an almost new engine, new belts, current updates, and seamless data and video integration without spending more than a couple hundred dollars for paint.
Brad 952-807-8506

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