93 Vector Mono Shock
2 Log Books, (SCCA competition approval Certificate.)
5 Races on frame up.
2 Races on engine re-build ( bottom end done by local builder )
Iron Head sent to Ivey ( Ivey pistons and Scat crank ) Spare gaskets.
22 gear sets.
3 sets of rims ( rains on Pana Sports )
Extra body work, Aluminum nose box, fiberglass seat.
Rear Koni shocks rebuilt 5 years ago, front mono shock just rebuilt.
New foam in fuel cell 5 years ago ( spare fuel cell )
2 extra LD 19 Calipers ( spare KFP brake pads ) 4 new spare brake rotor's. ( oil fittings and rod ends )
SPA Design Tach. ( with integrated shift light )
Spare tune up parts, ( spare Carb. jets and floats)
Lubricants, Red Line oil, gear oil and CV grease, ( Cartel brake fluid )
Spare suspension, Super Trapp muffler.
Quick Lift Jack, new bubble tire balancer and stick on weights,( bump steer tool.)
2018 I ran the car in the support race @ the CDN GP.
Offered @ 22,900 US
Contact Dave:
Or text: 519 257 0621