
ApexSpeed Winter 2010 rFactor Challenge

This page contains information on the 2010 Apexspeed rFactor Challenge. You can join the league at any time by posing in this thread.

rFactor Version Information
This challenge will require rFactor v1.255. The correct updates are below and need to be applied in order:

Update from 1150 to 1250
Installation Tip: Place the unzipped rFactor1250Update.exe in your rFactor directory where rFactor.exe resides and run the update.

Update from 1250 to 1255:
Installation Tip: Follow directions here

Event time
The Time: 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST, Wednesday nights, every two weeks.

The Format
Server will be open for warmup before starting time, 10 minute qualifying, feature race targeted for around 70 miles of racing, or about 40 minutes. There will be one 5-minute warmup, no pace formation lap.

The Car
This season, we will be using the rFactor Open Wheel Challenge car included in the game, the rF3 formula car. We will have one set of custom skins that everyone will download the day before the first race of the season. If you wish to paint your own car please post it in the forum thread above and I will give you instructions on how to upload it.

Skin Pack Download
The skins package is posted here. Download it and unzip it/extract it to C:/rFactor/GameData/Vehicles/rF3/Teams where C:/rFactor is the directory you have rFactor installed in. This is typically the default rFactor folder from the original install.

SIM Racing Setup Matrix
Getting a real car or a SIM racing car takes time, skill and a little basic knowledge of chassis physics. We have a simple, easy-to-follow matrix that can help you get closer to a comfortable setup for yourself. Find the SIM Racing Setup Matrix and get your car tuned up for the next race.

Sometimes league racers will post their best setups for a particular track. We'll have new setups here when they become available.

Data Acquistion
There is an rFactor plug-in that will allow racers to use real Motec data Acquisition software to analyze their own performance and compare to other racers. More information coming soon.

The Rules

Realism/Damage: No drivers aids except auto-clutch and 25% damage

Tracks/View: All tracks must be played in modes as directly downloaded from Trackpedia. No extra fixes of mods maybe made to disable gravel traps, etc. View options are open to driver choice.

Pitstops: There is no penalty for speeding in the pits. Pitstops and changes made during them are open to the participant. Pitstops are not required but most races will be long enough that they must to occur.

Blue Flags: If you receive a blue flag in the game you must move over for the overtaking car in appropriate time. Treat this just like real racing where the blue flag is a warning of a quickly approaching car from behind or that there are cars around you in close proximity. Let the approaching car by when time and track conditions permit if it is not a battle for position.

Race Restarts: If more than half of the racing field (defined as (total starting competitors / 2)) are taken out during the first lap the race will be restarted. This is allowed only once.

Intentional Contact: If a competitor blatantly runs into another competitor they will be banned from racing the next race and be stripped of 200 championship points.

In the event of a spin, do not pull back out into the racing line until all is clear. Use your heads-up display to warn you of oncoming traffic. When exiting pits, keep below the blend line until safely into racing traffic. The overall idea is to give all of us a real race weekend experience just like if you were at an SCCA race to have fun and drive some of the great club tracks around the US.

The Server

rFactor Server Name: ApexSpeed
Address: keithcarter.homeip.net
Password: rfactor

Each week the server will be up and running with the track for the next race, so everyone can get in their practice and thus come ready to race on Wednesday evening.

The Hotlap Tracker and Result Info

Race Results and Hotlaps
Hotlaps tracker only

The Tracks and Dates

How to Install A Track Guide

January 27, 2010: Brands Hatch (30 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #1 - Brands Hatch
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page
Brands Hatch Race Results
Top Qualifier: Keith Carter
Race Winner: Doug Carter

February 10, 2010: Autobahn, South Course (33 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #2 - Autobahn South
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page
Track map [PDF]: Autobahn South
Autobahn South Race Results
Top Qualifier: Matthew Inge
Race Winner: Caleb Marklien

February 24, 2010: Mosport (28 lap race)
Forum thread for race:rFactor League Race #3 - Mosport
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page
Track map: Mosport
Mosport Race Results
Top Qualifier:
Race Winner:

March 10, 2010: Road Atlanta (28 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #4 - Road Atlanta
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

March 24, 2010: Laguna Seca (31 laps race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #5 - Laguna Seca
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

April 7, 2010: Barber Motorsports Park (29 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #6 - Barber Motorsports Park
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

April 21, 2010: Watkins Glen (28 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #7 - Watkins Glen
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

May 5, 2010: Heartland Park Topeka (28 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #8 - Heartland Park Topeka
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

May 19, 2010: Mid Ohio Sports Car Course (31 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #9 - Mid Ohio Sport Car Course
Track download: rFactor Central Track Page

June 2, 2010: Road America - League RunOffs (17 lap race)
Forum thread for race: rFactor League Race #10 - Road America
Track download:

Points will be awarded for finishing order.

Bonus points are awarded as follows:

  • Five bonus points are awarded to any driver that leads any lap.
  • Five bonus points are awarded to the driver that leads the most laps.
  • Fifteen bonus points are awarded to the top qualifier.
  • 10 points are awarded to 2nd qualifier.
  • 5 points are awarded to third qualifier.

The most points a driver can earn in a single race is 225. If you win the race and lead the most laps you would receive 200 for winning, five bonus points for leading a lap and five bonus points for leading the most laps, for a total of 210 points.

This point system rewards consistencyin all race facets more than it rewards winning.

Points Awarded


Total end of year points will be added together out of everyone's top races dropping their five lowest point totals for the season. All fastest laps and qualifying points will be applied no matter when they are won.

ApexSpeed Winter rFactor League Race Results
The most recent updated race results can be viewed online here.


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