I want to take a moment and say thank you and wish you all a Happy Holiday season. It has been a long year for me but a good one. Take time to remember those who cannot be home with there families this year. No politics, just a thanks. As someone who missed last Christmas I know how much a simple thank you meant to me when I came home. Also take time to remember those whom the racing community lost this year. The holiday provides us with time to be with family and friends, to put aside differences and to eat, drink and be merry. For some of us it means figuring out how to get all the batteries into the cool toys our kids got and to ponder why the batteries are not included. For others it is time for us to be able to tinker with our own toys or as in my case catch up on my wife's project list. Still it is better by far than waiting for someone to shoot at me, although if I don't get the gutters cleaned out there is no telling what my wife will do. Please be safe, happy and kind and I look forward to meeting you all next year. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Dennis....