I just submitted this request to the CRB:
Title: Maximum width measurement
Class: FC
Request: Rule clarification/modification question/suggestion:
I just read the August 2018 preliminary TB:
FF 1. #24678 (John LaRue) Request to change how to measure overall width In the GCR FF/FC dimensions table 4, add the following: "H. Maximum width - To be taken at the widest point on the wheel at the horizontal axle centerline."
That pretty much defeats what I thought was the original intended purpose of the maximum width measurement rule change - to eliminate the possibility of being declared illegal because of tire width, toe or camber settings.
It would not be that much harder to measure at the two opposing points on the horizontal wheel centerline and take the average of the two. To determine which opposing point is wider, both would have to be measured in any case.
Measuring just one point on the opposing rims makes little sense if the intent is to eliminate setup variations from the measurement.