You are giving the man far too much benefit of the doubt. He's a scum, plain and simple.
1. The tribal agreement thing was not about taxes, it was about using tribal status to escape federal and state laws. It was illegal because the tribes were not actually participants in the business.
2. A federal judge decided otherwise, that fees were NOT disclosed. There are many "payday lenders" that are not pursued, because they follow the laws regarding fee disclosure, etc. Tucker's company was not one of them. His loans ended up costing much more than even the stated exploitative rates.
I come from poverty and have taken a payday loan in my time. And that was long ago, when things weren't as bad as they are today. The growth of the economy during that time, for the middle class not just the 1%, was pretty instrumental to my eventual success. Nowadays it is pretty damn rough. In my experience, there's very little "entitlement" attitude amongst the people that are in dire enough straits to take payday loans. There is generational poverty now in America and it's not just a problem of personal responsibility. You are born poor, you go to crappy schools, you have no family support, everyone around you is bringing you down, it's just crazy hard to climb out of that.