Roger Caddell, AiM National Training Manager, is putting on a session for SM racers, but the info is applicable to all cars. There is room available if people want to get in on the session. The first session like this Roger did is available on the AiM Vimeo site and is a very good primer for this one. Here are the details if your interested.

Are you ready to dig into your data a little deeper? Learn ways to make your data system even more valuable? Let's get together and take a look at some ways beyond the basics to get more out of your data acquisition system!

We had a very good turnout for our earlier webinar and Jim Drago has asked me to organize another. LearnFast Webinar 2.0 will build upon what we already learned in our prior session so I strongly suggest everybody that may attend 2.0 take a small part of an evening a watch the video of 1.0 linked here:

This LearnFast Webinar 2.0 is titled:

"A Racers Data Acquisition Triangle; Using Data for Driver Performance, Vehicle Performance, and Vehicle Health"

We have scheduled the webinar for Thursday January 23rd, 2014 from 5:30-7:00 Pacific Time. I know that is a little early on the West coast but finishing any later than 10:00pm on the East coast is not great either. So just like tuning your SM, scheduling this webinar is a compromise!

There will be a limited number of spaces available so this will be a "first come first served" deal. send me an email at: roger at aimsports dot com and I will put you on the list and reply back so you know. We limited it to 50 last time and we filled the session up in 3 days so i suggest you don't risk it and signup right away!

Just like Webinar 1.0 we will be recording the session and will have it available a few days later.

And finally all of the software and data examples shown will be with the AiM Sports Race Studio 2 software but the knowledge gained can be applied to any data acquisition analysis.