Hello all,
Your friends here at the Club Racing Department are improving the membership booth and display area at this years Runoffs. We are in need of a formula car to diplay from Thursday thru Sunday.
What do you get for loaning us your car for three days? Free access to the Runoffs, plus my neverending admiration!
There will a large circus style tent covering the area, so your car will not be out in the weather, and we can make sure it gets covered with your car cover if needed.
I don't have a preference of car make, but something on the modern side is what we are looking for.
Some pluses: If you could spend some time at the booth each day shaking babies and kissing hands. Standard car show stuff, telling people about your car, letting little kids get their picture taken sitting in the seat, removing the body to reveal the delightfull inards, etc

You get the idea. Anyway, if you are interested, please contact me at bcohn@scca.com

Hopefully, I'll have a tough descision to make!