I have compared notes with the registrar. The entry list is now up to 28 cars. If you should be on this list but are not, please let me know.

Tom Tipsword, Van Diemen RF81, CFF, E
Joe Marcinski, ADF, CFF, E
Dan Faust, Van Diemen RF93, FF, E
Marc Blanc, Crossle 35F, CFF, W
Rick Roellig, Tiga FFA-79, CFF, W
Mike Weyna, Van Diemen RF78, CFF, W
Ron Tebo, Van Diemen RF78, FF, E
Mike Maienza, Vector, FF, W
Tom Braun, Euroswift SE-1, FF, W
Andy Graff, Van Diemen RF97, FF, W
Jim Roberts, Swift DB-1, FF, W
Kevin Krauss, Tiga FFA-78, CFF, W
Wes Allen, Merlyn Mk25, CFF, E
Bruce Drenth, Eagle, CFF, W
Curt Rehder, Lola T-44, CFF, W
Bill Luxon, Piper DF-2, FF, W
John Luxon, Piper DF-2, FF, W
Bill Bergeron, Van Diemen RF90, FF, W
Mark Kolell, Van Diemen RF85, FF, W
Mark Blythe, Reynard 82F, FF, E
John Vlasis, Piper DF-2, FF, W
Loren Tieman, Reynard 83F, FF, W
Steve Olson, Euroswift SE-1, FF, W
Rick Iverson, Lola T-440, CFF, W
Tony Foster, Swift DB-1, FF, W
Walter Stark. Tiga FFA-80, FF, W
Brian Mika, Zink Z-16, CFF, W
Tim Koch, Citation, FF, W

Quite a few people are dissatisfied with the August 4 late entry date. I am working on a remedy so don't let the $40 late entry fee discourage you from entering.

Steve Beeler
Lola T-540 HU44
home: (734)416-8865 thebeelers@peoplepc.com
office: (313)390-1818 sbeeler@ford.com

[size="1"][ August 08, 2003, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Steve B ][/size]