As of Thursday evening July 31, the following drivers have confirmed their entries for Rounds # 5 and #6 of the 2003 FF/CFF East vs West Challenge August 16-17 at Road America:

Tom Tipsword, Van Diemen RF81, CFF, E
Joe Marcinski, ADF, CFF, E
Dan Faust, Van Diemen RF93, FF, E
Ron Tebo, Van Diemen RF78, FF, E
Marc Blanc, Crossle 35F, CFF, W
Rick Roellig, Tiga FFA-79, CFF, W
Mike Weyna, Van Diemen RF78, CFF, W
Mike Maienza, Vector, FF, W
Andy Graff, Van Diemen RF97, FF, W
Kevin Krauss, Tiga FFA-78, CFF, W

We are already a quarter of the way towards our goal of 40 cars. Help find the cure for Chicagophobia. Enter early, enter often.

If you need an entry form, Linda Breitenbach is the chief registrar. Linda can be contacted at (773)774-8602 or The entry form can also be downloaded from the Chicago Region website:

You can also contact me and I'll fax you one.

Steve Beeler
Lola T-540 HU44
home: (734)416-8865
office: (313)390-1818