As one of few on the BOD that cvomes from the Formula car world and having spent 10 years on the CRB i'll make a couple of points.

Get your input in and as a group with the adhoc and CRB decide so that the rules are published in January in the book - not June 1st. i don't think the BOD will stand for another wholesale change in April or June as has recently happened because people couldn't decide. Don't look to Rand to fix the Club equivalency problem - we've got way more combinations than will show at one of his pro races.

FA is an open engine formula and always has been so a lot of the cost arguments have been undermined by the same folks that advocate them. We're not going to put the big engine genie back in the bottle since the 016 arrived - just like many of our classes it'll take some work by the committees and it will not be perfect as Tony posts above.

We are not going to dis-enfranchise the oddball combinations that we have in FA - Super Vee, rotary, Pro FM etc. Not going to happen, they are members and probably have no other place to race except regional FS. This a Club not a pro series and we need every entry we can get all year round - not everything revolves around ther Runoffs.