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Thread: VIR

  1. #1
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    Default VIR

    Does anyone get the eFormulacarnews tweets? Looks the F1000 race at VIR is delayed due to low entries , restructuring and/or negativity. I would post a link but I am struggling finding the copy function on my new android tablet. So lame on my part.

    I am sure Josh can help me out with a link. Surprised nobody else posted it earlier.

  2. #2
    Grand Pooh Bah Purple Frog's Avatar
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  3. #3
    Senior Member ghickman's Avatar
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    Default sort of old news

    This came out in a mass email a couple of days ago to the F1000 drivers / car owners that are on Jon Lewis email list.

    The VIR race was being rescheduled to October.

    I'm optimistic that this will all work itself out.
    Gary Hickman
    Edge Engineering Inc
    FB #76

  4. #4
    Contributing Member DonArm's Avatar
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    Interesting comment about people wanting the series to fail. Everyone I have spoken with WANT it to work out. There just seems to be some underlying concerns of other issues, not that they want it to fail.
    Hopefully things work themselves out before Mid-Ohio, I think it would be very bad PR if the series doesn't show up at such a high profile event after making the committment.

  5. #5


    The Mid-Ohio date is on. We just moved the VIR date until later in the year. We had a few teams that had engine problems at NJ and were not going to be able to make the July date, as well as a few other teams with other conflicts, among other issues we are currently working on to rectify.

    Unfortunately, there are a few select individuals outside the F1000 fold who would like to see it fail, or should I be more specific to see me fail. Those in F1000 and some outside F1000 are extremely supportive and want to see it succeed. We've had to make a few adjustments for the betterment of the Series. And as you can imagine, our first year has brought about a few situations we were not counting on. But, the series will prevail and will get stronger as time goes on.

    So, to those naysayers, just sit back and watch and stop trying to stick a needle in where it doesn't belong. The series has a lot of work to do and we have the right personnel to make it work. Our teams are some of the most supportive in the industry and together, we can make this one of the best junior series in existence.

    No one said it was going to be a smooth ride, but together we can make it work.

  6. #6
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KenT View Post
    I am sure Josh can help me out with a link. Surprised nobody else posted it earlier.
    Sorry. You got your link though. But yeah, there was the email a couple days ago and apparently a facebook posting as well. Like Armenoff, I have not seen/heard anyone who wants the series to fail. But then I also have not heard anyone cite engine failures as the reason for not attending VIR, so I assume I am just out of the loop.

  7. #7


    Let's not beat around the bush.

    One of the main reasons we have moved our VIR date to October is a delay in getting out our prize money and tow fund to our competitors. Our two financial backers have thrown a wrench in the works and we are working to get this resolved. We want our participants to receive their rewards prior to the next event. This is currently being worked on and will be resolved shortly.

    Brian Novak was one of the engine failures at NJ and was not going to make it to VIR. There were a couple other drivers who were not going to make it for other scheduling reasons. This gave us a low car count for the July date. We can't run a series with 8 cars.

    We're not saying we're perfect. Things come up and you have to deal with them. We are doing so to move the series along.

  8. #8
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    A small amount of credit to you for finally admitting that publicly.

  9. #9
    Fallen Friend Northwind's Avatar
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    I think the needle stick is self inflictated.

    I certainly hope the series can get straightened out and meet the expectations of goods promised. I would also like to see both the East and West series expand or develope a central geographic element, possibly a third series to meet the needs and time constraints of those residing in the center of the US.

  10. #10
    member Brett Lane's Avatar
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    Are the West Coast guys, or some of them going to Mid Ohio as well? Should be an great event.

  11. #11


    Its easy to sit back and say "I'd like to see this and I'd like to see that" but I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate to try and make it happen. This series hasn't been an easy goal to accomplish. Yes, we're late in producing some of the rewards we promoted. I'll give you that, but they will be forthcoming.

    Sure, we're not as timely as we'd like. But, we'll get there. Obsticles come up and we have to work to overcome them. It's the same with any business.

    All will be rectified before Mid-Ohio and we can again move along our way.

    I think our first two events went very well. 13 cars competed at Mosport and 12 at NJ. Standing starts went well. The events went off without a hitch. Peter, George, Tom, Jack, Dave, Jerry and Mike all gave their best to make sure they ran smoothly. I see no difference with the remaining events on our schedule. We just need to make sure our reward system is adequately in place. That's our sole focus at this time.
    Last edited by F1000champ; 06.21.12 at 1:06 PM.

  12. #12
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    Being up front about not being able to pay someone for a while will usually be met with more understanding than continually missing promised deadlines. Underpromise and overdeliver.

  13. #13
    ApexSpeed Photographer Dennis Valet's Avatar
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    The series certainly has lofty goals. Of course I, and I suspect everyone else, would love to see live timing, webcasts, huge prize pools, high profile events, etc. but as you've pointed out, running the series comes first. While running the series comes first, I don't think it is unreasonable for people to be disappointed in the broken promises thus far. That being said, I don't equate disappointment with "wanting the series to fail."

    F1000 cars are cool as hell. I want the series to succeed to so I can go to an event and listen to 20 of these things ripping around the track. I feel that most people share the same opinion

  14. #14
    Fallen Friend Northwind's Avatar
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    F1000 cars are cool as hell. I want the series to succeed to so I can go to an event and listen to 20 of these things ripping around the track. I feel that most people share the same opinion

    100% Agree

  15. #15
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    After following FB / F1k for 3 years on Apex speed I finally had the had the opportunity to witness the F1K series in person in my home state at the NJMP on Saturday ( 6/9/12 ) and would like to share my prospective from a fans point of view.
    The People of F1K:
    The people of F1K were very friendly and all willing to take time out and from working on their cars to chat. Anna and Glenn Cooper were the first I chatted with, they were willing to take the time to talk to a fan even though Glenn was busy working on his car because of a shunt he had the day before and even stopped work for a photo opt with this fan, and I also got to take a picture with the lovely Anna, Thanks a lot and I hope your trip home was easier. I also met Jay and Brian Novak and again, they stopped working to chat with this fan, Jay and I discussed about everything from F1K to F500/600 to NYC.
    I also had the opportunity to chat with Brandon Dixion, and Jon Lewis, thanks all for taking the time to chat.
    The cars of F1K:
    These cars have to be seen in person to appreciate the detailed work that these teams put into them, and one can not appreciate the detailed engerineering that has gone into these cars by just looking at pictures.
    The sound of these cars are fantastic, idling in the garage, they sounded assume, but on the track the sound they produced at 13,000 rpm was second only to a formula 1, I actually closed my eyes during the race and it sounded like I was at the Canadian F1 Grand Prix again.
    The F1K series:
    Jon Lewis has put together a great series and to have a 13 car count in it’s first year is a tribute to his hard work. Jon looked totally exhausted but still took the time to chat with this fan and explained the delay in the speed cast tv shows. If the shows turn out to be as good as the race I just witness, it’s going to be fantastic
    Thanks to Mr. Lewis and all the F1K teams
    Craig / F1K fan

  16. #16
    Global Moderator Mike B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    Its easy to sit back and say "I'd like to see this and I'd like to see that" but I don't see anyone else stepping up to the plate to try and make it happen.
    You know that's not true.

    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    Unfortunately, there are a few select individuals outside the F1000 fold who would like to see it fail, or should I be more specific to see me fail.
    I don't know who these people might be or why they care if your series folds. I've said this to anyone that asks: F1000 is my baby and I have a vested interest in it so I hope your series succeeds because it will help the health of the class. Unfortunately, it's not going that way. I hope for the sake of the class and the sake of all the drivers that have invested heavily in your series that you get things straightened out, and much sooner than M-O. That might be too late for some of the drivers to make alternate plans to salvage the season.

    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    Let's not beat around the bush.

    One of the main reasons we have moved our VIR date to October is a delay in getting out our prize money and tow fund to our competitors. Our two financial backers have thrown a wrench in the works and we are working to get this resolved. We want our participants to receive their rewards prior to the next event. This is currently being worked on and will be resolved shortly.
    Added kudos to you for bringing this into the open. Now get it fixed.
    Even bigger kudos to the drivers that have been affected by this for not airing the dirty laundry. A smaller person wouldn't have hesitated to list all the behind-the-scenes "problems". I like to believe it's for the good of the class.

    Quote Originally Posted by starkejt View Post
    Underpromise and overdeliver.
    That's all there is to it.
    Mike Beauchamp
    RF95 Prototype 2

    Get your FIA rain lights here:

  17. #17


    Lot's of talk from those not even running in the Series. Maybe you need to listen to one who is. Jon Lewis has produced a great series to run in. Where else can I run against 13 other F1000 cars? Sure I can go race in club racing with maybe 3-4 other F1000 cars and a bunch of other classes, but it's not then same. The first two events at Mosport and NJMP were well run. The standing starts were a gas.

    Sure, I'd like to see prize money as well as the next guy, but I'd run this series even if there wasn't any. Beyond the increase in entry fees, it doesn't cost me anymore than if I ran a club event. The costs are the same, but the events are better. I don't have to worry about FV, FF, FA, etc. in our races. It's just F1000's period.

    I know Jon and I know he's working very hard to overcome the prize money situation. I have no doubt that it will be all taken care of soon.

    It's just tiring to listen to all these people who don't even have a ball in the game, tear down what is the start of an exciting era. I hear those who state they have a vested interest, but I don't see them in the series. Maybe their vested interest is just in the class itself. I don't see how that helps the series succeed. Maybe if more F1000 owners came out to race in the series, you just might see it succeed quicker. If not, than sit back and don't pass judgement.

    Jon Lewis personally called all the drivers this past week and let us know the situation at hand. We know what we're dealing with and its up to us whether we want to continue supporting the series or not. I personally am here for the duration, as are several other drivers I have talked with. Some others, maybe not, but drivers come and go. I can't think of a better venue that I would like to be part of. I'm certainly not going back to racing for a $5 trophy against just a couple cars in my class. I'd rather see one of those large bottles of champagne on my shelf.

    Just my humble opinion.
    Last edited by TTMRacing; 06.21.12 at 3:37 PM.

  18. #18
    Global Moderator Mike B's Avatar
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    So much for openness...
    Mike Beauchamp
    RF95 Prototype 2

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  19. #19
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    I'm sure the ones who are owed thousands of dollars would gladly trade the champagne bottle full of broken promises for a check. As said before, don't promise something you can't deliver, and it won't be an issue.

  20. #20
    Senior Member Nick77's Avatar
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    From someone who does have a ball in the game, Hey TTM I couldn't have said it better myself, and Jon we know you have all your balls in the game. Thanks for putting the concerns of your Teams first.
    Anyone who has ever started a new business knows that unforeseen things and things out of your control come about. It is all in how you deal with it that shows your integrity. Jon, we know, and the outsiders who don't have any balls in the game should now also know. Thanks for a Great Series, keep up the good work. Keep diggin Buddy!


  21. #21
    Contributing Member RussMcB's Avatar
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    I may be naive, but I think 100% of people aware of this series want it to succeed. Everyone likes the cars, and we all want the people and drivers involved to get the most out of it.

    I can't imagine anyone having a valid reason for wanting it to fail.

  22. #22
    Contributing Member billwald's Avatar
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    Anyone with an FB or even an interest in the cars should be rooting hard for the Series Success. It's good for the class, club, builders, and all of us drivers at all levels.

    Hope it all gets worked out and just a speed bump in it's first year. All the best Jon.


  23. #23
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    Where is Professor Kohlberg when you need him?

  24. #24
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    Default TTM said it right

    I second (or third) everything TTM said.

    I really hope Jon is able to work things out with the financial backers. The series is great for the class.....for the drivers.....and for the spectators. I was looking forward to our new car competing in the series. We will have someone in it for Mid Ohio.

    Jon....tell those backers more cars coming! We have one of our new cars ready......and there seems to be lots of interest in the car and in your series. I'm sure we will see more entries.


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    Default Delicate Time for the Catagory

    There is apparently some spilt milk. Which has happened with every fledgling pro racing series in the sport's history. At the outset, it happened with IMSA, NASCAR, USAC, SCORE, AAA, WoO -- really, the whole alphabet soup of professional auto racing sanctioning bodies.

    Only the SCCA can avoid these things. They put on amateur events and that supports all else.

    Trying to promote something new and professional in auto racing is HARD.
    Something must be built from nothing. To get that something going, the only tool a promoter has is his own excitement, his hopes and dreams -- his vision for the future. That's all that he can use to attract sponsors, media, viewers and competitors -- all those hard-to-get things neccessary to put on a real and actual pro racing series.

    It's inevitable that there will be some "horses before the cart" along the way, some well-intentioned promises that can't be fully kept. It's the nature of the beast. And the way it's always been...

    I think patience is needed now. Barring any flat out fraud (which I have no reason to think even vaguely exists), give the promoter a break. He is building something from nothing... building it only with his hopes and dreams... and all the smoke he can generate.

    Only if everyone helps to the degree they can... will the F1000 Championship series survive and prosper. But if it does, all of us benefit hugely.
    Last edited by Christopher Crowe; 06.23.12 at 12:54 AM.

  26. #26
    Contributing Member Thomas Copeland's Avatar
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    Jon, I certainly wish you the best with your series and hope you can turn it into a success. I know how difficult it is to put on the show, especially at the level which you are trying to achieve.

    Over here on the West Coast we are in our third season. I have on many occasions wanted to do what Jon has done and take the West Coast series to what I would call, "The Next Level". Run it at the level that the East Coast series is running theirs at. But issue that has always been standing in the way is car counts. There simply isn't enough entries to sustain the West Coast series as a full on professional level series. We need at least double the entries. They need to be in the 20+ to 25+ range. Or we need someone with deep enough pockets to substain the series and absorb costs until we can get and maintain higher car counts.

    Even after almost half our regular drivers left our series this year (drivers sold, got out of racing) I counted 19 cars here on the West Coast that could have come out and competed. Many, many, did not. Now some of that might have been for economical reasons, I'm not going to try and second guess or put anyone on the spot. Reasons differ. My job is convince them to come out. I need to work harder at it. But the fact that I can't expect on obtaining a certain number of entries is also the reason why I have kept the series small and contained, dispite my desire to make it a much bigger show. I can't go to a sponsor and ask for money for driver prize fund with the limited amount of entries this class currently has. I know because I have tried already, and gotten shot down horribly.

    Lucky for the West Coast series it appears now we have a really good core group of drivers that I can depend on to appear at nearly every event, and from that I can build a viable series. So I'm definitely looking forward to the series coming back strongly in 2013. Their interest has kept me from quitting the entire thing. I have spent enormous amounts of time and my own cash to put the series on, and I'm not even working on it full time. I'm not saying it to gather applause, only because I know what Jon must be going though right now with trying to maintain his series. It's a monumental effort. Most of you simply can not have a clue, and I wouldn't expect you to either. And I'm sure that both Jon and I are looking at it the same way, as an investment. I'm hoping one day to build the series up to a level where it can be a full time gig, otherwise there is no reason for me, and probably not Jon either, to bother to continue doing this. Doing it for any other reason is bulls*it. Love of racing can only take you so far because this is hard work. It does has it's fun moments too, granted. That's why I stay in and fight through those moments of self-doubt.

    Perhaps Jon went a little too far and bit off more than he could handle, this being his first year. It's an easy situation to find yourself in. It happened to us our first year. Our desire to please everyone lead us to a schedule too many events that left me explaining to sponsors why average car counts were so low. Actually, pathetic. Now our structure is better. Our car counts still need improving (I consider this is an off year for us with our driver loss from last year). And I figure that once again I will have to explain it to sponsors in the hope they will invest in another year with us. But that's my job in all this.

    Awarding prizes can also be difficult as we discovered last year when one of our sponsors simply quit taking our phone calls mid-season. As a result to award the prizes we had promised we had to go out and buy them ourselves. Another become so overwhelmed with fulfilling their promise of contingency awards that today they are still trying to complete it. Sometimes you just got to be patient.

    Anyway, I'm just trying to shed some daylight on some of the issues putting on real series can give you. The best thing all of you can do is that if you really want to see this sort of organized championship series continue is to try and give as much support to the organizers as possible.

    I can feel for Jon. Keeping promises can be sometimes be difficult, sponsors pull out, investors quit, leave you stranded, happens all the time. Especially at this level. We don't have contracts. Only their verbal agreement and their promise to fulfill it.

    The main question you probably should be asking is was it worth it? Was going to the show worth it? Was racing in a field of cars just like yours in an organized championship series worth the time you spent on it? Never mind whether you actually got paid for it or not. Was it worth the time and effort you put into it? I'm talking to those that actually made the effort to register for the series and those that made the effort to actually show up for an event and race. Everybody else you shouldn't even be concerned because what have you lost in any of this? For those of you that paid your dues was it worth the time and effort? That's the question you should be asking yourself.

    Wishing you the best of luck Jon.

  27. #27
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    [FONT=Verdana]I'm sure that most want the series to be successful but let’s not kid ourselves that Jon hasn't rubbed some people the wrong way (but who hasn’t?). I personally think he can be a little much at times but that's exactly the type of personality that it takes to make something like this work. I’ve also seen him be very appreciative and accommodating to his teams. I respect him for going balls out and busting his ass (you can't take that away from him). [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]He probably could have got away with offering just about nothing but a field of FB only cars and got the series off the ground and have the same size fields. He needs to pay off what he owes everyone and restructure the payouts that the series can afford at least until it can afford to pay out more. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]Another suggestion is that he should bring the DSR/CSR guys into the mix. Either a separate race or split starts. Those guys needs a Pro Series and they certainly have the numbers and $$$ to chip in. I think that would help the overall series. just my .02 cents. [/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]Jon, put your head down and keep it moving don't concern yourself with the he say/ she say crap. You can’t be everything to everyone.[/FONT]
    [FONT=Verdana]Cut him some slack, his intentions are good.[/FONT]
    Last edited by JohnPaul; 06.23.12 at 6:25 PM.

  28. #28
    Contributing Member Rick Kean's Avatar
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    Default All Hat, No Cattle;

    One more time!

    It's only been 30 days;

    wait for the haircut

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    Well having just got back from a 1800 mile trip, to just go and pick up my car that I left in New Jersey because the VIR race was cancelled, I'm darn upset at this series. It has failed to meet it's financial obligations and has cost me a ton of time and money to run its' first 2 races.

    Last year I spoke with Jon on two separate occasions to verify that he had secure funding for the prize and tow funds. I explained to him that I was about to buy a truck/trailer to be able to attend the events. I was ASSURED that the funding was solid.

    I also asked how many cars were needed to make the races happen as I figured 10-12 cars would probably be about all he could count on. The answer was that it was funded regardless of car counts.

    So I pulled the trigger on a rig that could get me to the events and have since driven over 7000 miles to support the first 2 races. I have not gotten one dime owed.

    We were also told before the NJ race that he had the sponsor check to fund the payout, but because it was out of state, there was a hold on it. We were to get checks priority mailed after NJ. We got nothing.

    Now there is a huge change in the payouts going forward, more excuses, and we will probably never see what is owed from the 1st two races.

    I was never counting on this series to fund my racing, but the prize/tow package promised made it worth the sacrifice to make the huge effort for me to attend the eastern races from Colorado. It was the MAIN reason I supported the deal.

    To come back and now say his investors have pulled their support is unacceptable. Some honesty up front and not misrepresenting what we actually could count on, would have saved me, and I'm sure others that bought cars just for this series, a lot of unnecessary grief.

    J.R. Osborne

  30. #30
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRO183 View Post
    Now there is a huge change in the payouts going forward, more excuses, and we will probably never see what is owed from the 1st two races.
    On paper, it may look like a huge change. In reality, going from zero to zero is no change at all.

  31. #31


    We were dealt a substantial blow with our financial backers pulling out at the last minute. We are working on securing the financing to payout the prize fund and tow money from Mosport and NJ.

    But, due to the fact that we have lost our backers, we were forced to reduce our per race prize fund for the time being in order to sustain the series. We regreat the reduction in prize money from our originally presented purse, but we have to look at the security and future of the Series.

    Those owed the prize money from Mosport and NJ will receive it. That we are working on continuously. Although later than we had originally planned.

    We ask everyone to please be patient as we work to correct the situation we have been placed in.

  32. #32
    Senior Member KevinFirlein's Avatar
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    I give credit to JR for actually speaking his mind. Not likely to make him popular in the series but I suspect the ship has sailed( JR running the series that is).
    Kevin Firlein Autosport,Inc.
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  33. #33
    Contributing Member Brandon Dixon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JRO183 View Post
    Well having just got back from a 1800 mile trip, to just go and pick up my car that I left in New Jersey because the VIR race was cancelled, I'm darn upset at this series. It has failed to meet it's financial obligations and has cost me a ton of time and money to run its' first 2 races.

    Last year I spoke with Jon on two separate occasions to verify that he had secure funding for the prize and tow funds. I explained to him that I was about to buy a truck/trailer to be able to attend the events. I was ASSURED that the funding was solid.

    I also asked how many cars were needed to make the races happen as I figured 10-12 cars would probably be about all he could count on. The answer was that it was funded regardless of car counts.

    So I pulled the trigger on a rig that could get me to the events and have since driven over 7000 miles to support the first 2 races. I have not gotten one dime owed.

    We were also told before the NJ race that he had the sponsor check to fund the payout, but because it was out of state, there was a hold on it. We were to get checks priority mailed after NJ. We got nothing.

    Now there is a huge change in the payouts going forward, more excuses, and we will probably never see what is owed from the 1st two races.

    I was never counting on this series to fund my racing, but the prize/tow package promised made it worth the sacrifice to make the huge effort for me to attend the eastern races from Colorado. It was the MAIN reason I supported the deal.

    To come back and now say his investors have pulled their support is unacceptable. Some honesty up front and not misrepresenting what we actually could count on, would have saved me, and I'm sure others that bought cars just for this series, a lot of unnecessary grief.

    J.R. Osborne
    J.R., I understand your pain. With the travel distances involved, you made a huge comitment to running those events. As I told you at those events, you are a fierce competitor with a combination of desire, talent, and commitment that is perhaps unmatched in F1000.

  34. #34
    Fallen Friend Northwind's Avatar
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    I really feel bad for all the people that are caught up in this mess. I know that there was a lot thought and race budget planning by the competitors to commit to the series. Just the tow fund it self drove incentive for people to travel long distances to attend these events. I would think that the given tow fund mileage compensation was counted on by many teams to supplement their season budgets. I hope those responsible for the series funding (or lack of) are aware of how detrimental this is playing out for the teams. JRO you are one of the true competitors that define what F1000 is all about. I hope you and all the others have the ability to recover from this mess.

  35. #35
    Senior Member Alex Pate's Avatar
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    So the question is will you be able to pass up mid Ohio with indycar? You could always run Hoosiers for the west coast series.

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