Hello everyone,
Today, Monday Oct 24, we emailed out over 400 annual surveys asking entrants
and competitors in both the F2000 Championship Series and the F1600 Formula F Championship Series for their input.
If you ran with us this season or intend to run in 2012 and did not get the survey please contact us dirctly at: Formularacepromotions@gmail.com.
We value all our customers involvement. This doesn't mean every idea will be instituted but it does mean that every idea will be read and considered.
And thanks to everyone who competed with either series in 2011 finishing off the season with a total entry of 64 cars at Watkins Glen a week ago.
A great finale to a fine season.
Thanks from the ownership and management team of both series.
And a huge congratulations to the inaugural F1600 Formula F Championship Series Champion Bill Valet along with Jimmy Little and his crew, well done !