Winter Series Season Opener at Infineon Raceway This Weekend

November 2nd, 2008

Race one of the Formula Mazda Winter Series is this Saturday, and a large contingent of teams and drivers are headed into town to contest the race and championship.
Team GDT will be taking full advantage of this winter's off-season by taking part in the series with a full two-car effort. Driving for the Texas-based squad will be young up-and-comers Ashley Freiberg and Corey Lewis.

Team Apex is coming out from Indiana with Jorge Goncalvez who is no stranger to Team Apex, as he raced for the team in the 2008 Formula BMW Championship. The team is very happy to have Goncalves back racing with them, as they look to win the Winter Series in preparation for a full assault in the 2010 Star Mazda Championship. "We are extremely excited to have Jorge back with our team," said Team Owner James Exline. "Jorge is a great young man and brings a year of Star Mazda experience with him."
"The new guns will have to contend with the Molecule Formula Mazda Challenge regulars who know the Infineon Raceway course like the back of their hands," stated series official Ben Hettema. "We're looking forward to some great racing on Saturday."

The regular contingent includes World Speed Motorsports, Dave Freitas Racing, Phenom Racing Group, and O'Neill Racing. DFR is scheduled to attend with newly crowned 2009 Molecule FM Challenge champion Chuck Hulse. World Speed Motorsports will be bringing out a half dozen Pro Formula Mazdas including multiple series champion Stan Kohls. Phenom is coming to the party with 2009 Star Mazda Expert Champion Michael Guasch, and O'Neill racing will be contending with multiple championship winner Patrick O'Neill.
Once the opening round is complete the series will head to Phoenix International Raceway on December 6th and 7th, and then will return for the two final races in February at Infineon Raceway.

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