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  1. #81
    Classifieds Super License stonebridge20's Avatar
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    Ok historians. When was the last time someone won FF from 10th or worse starting spot?

    We haven't given up yet. Back to building up a "combo engine" in the dirt!
    Stonebridge Sports & Classics ltd
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  2. #82
    Contributing Member Tom Valet's Avatar
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    Mike and Jeremy:

    In the immortal words of Rob Schneider in The Waterboy: You can doooo iiiiiiit !

    Best of luck to everyone on Saturday, have a great race, stay safe.

  3. #83
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Default Thurs nite Questions update

    John, Ian

    I believe the asst chief stewart who filed the original RFA's name is Jim Averett (SP) at that point Tonis's times were removed. Team Kephart appealed the decison and won. At this point Mr Averett appealed this decison and lost. That's all I know.

    The fuel test guys are really in over their heads out here. They are getting beat up pretty bad, Rumours and hearsay have them on guard to the point they have annouced new testing procedures and a new policy of only telling you your fuel has passed or failed and not why it failed.

    I'll add to the hear say, I went to voluntarily test the C's fuel ,when I got there I was handed a test bottle, I opened it up and took a whiff, I was met with a fairly strong fuel odor - 4 bottles later I found one that didn't smell tooooo bad. And off I went.

    Jim Little
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.10.08 at 12:01 PM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  4. #84
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    Default Thurs nite update

    Well the grids set,

    I watched today's session from the rear chicane, Mr Schutte is impressive thru here, very consistent and the fastest. Mr Keller and Mr Kasemets are almost as fast but not as consistent.

    I believe, clean start aside, we have a 3 horse race right now. Behind that I can see TC and Steven Oseth battling amongst themselves and then a fun 5 car battle between Mike Sauce, Arthur, Cliff,Tom and Jeremey. Of course I could be completely wrong.

    Other notes

    Bill Johnson is right there needing just a little more to play with the top ten. I hope he finds it.

    Alex Schutte's driving style is extremely tire intensive, if he burns up his tires he may fade. He will have a fresh lump for the race.

    Good to see Stan Townes get his car back together.

    DB-1/3 honors are completely up in the air

    23 cars have set a time. 24 will be starting the race, Tim Webb has recieved permission from the stewards to start from the rear. Condolences go out to Tim his Mom and their family. Tim lost his father this past Sunday, Good luck Tim, I'll be rooting for you.

    JT's team is currently assembling another motor with a bottom end provided by a double super secret north west skunkworks effort and the best pieces of his other 2 motors.

    I don't think anyone expected Tom and JT to be starting 9th and 10th.

    My definition of "Racing Luck" = "When preparation meets opportunity"

    Jim Little
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  5. #85
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Default Runoffs Notes

    Watching rigs arriving and Looking at the turnout for the early Q's you can pick up some information about this new 3 session over 4 days schedule. It seems people feel their time is worth more than track time.
    I've talked to many people who are in classes that had tuesday scheduled as an off day. Many choose to simply blow off monday. It seems their time is worth more to them then track time. Showing up 2 days late costs you a grand total of 22 minutes track time. A trade off many were willing to make.
    Secondly, In an incredible display of poor scheduling, all classes that were given Monday off were scheduled to go out first thing tuesday morning necissatating a Monday arrival to set-up, register and get thru tech. Simply moving them to the end of the day on Tues would have saved alot of competitors alot of money.
    Personally I would love to see a properly laddered scheduled. This could be accomplished with the simple addition of Thursday races. Arrive Monday race Thurs, arrive Tues race Friday and so on.
    Speed Channel is here anyway, test filming on Thursday. Actually if they don't want to film thursday that's fine too. Schedule less subscribed classes for Thursday. An incentive program for drivers to support their class.
    As you walk around the paddock this time of week there is huge support for a shorter schedule.

    Ok off my soapbox.......

    Congratulations go out to FF alum Mark Jaremnko. Nearly 500 cars turned Q laps this week and nobody went faster then Mark in his little DSR. "Fastest lap overall" only one guy gets to say that each year. I don't know if it's ever been done in a DSR before. Congratulations Mark.

    Tonis is the fittest driver in FF, maybe in any class here.

    Amazing to me how few people are watching the FF Q sessions from points around the track, You see guys with 5 crew members and they're all in the pits. What use is that.

    As a driver, I'm not proud, I'll steal (UHHH I mean learn) from anyone. I always have a knowledgeable crew member watching from some point of interest when I'm on track.

    Has the use of the splits watch died? Unless of course you can get Mr Keller to give you a copy of his 135.5 data to layover your fast lap data.

    Jim Little
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.17.08 at 10:07 PM.
    Drivers Services
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  6. #86
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    Ok historians. When was the last time someone won FF from 10th or worse starting spot?

    We haven't given up yet. Back to building up a "combo engine" in the dirt

    A quote from my driving coach and mentor Tony Kester: "Qualifying is only a place to start the race". This should be a great one, I expect to see a couple guy's making their way towards the front.


  7. #87
    Senior Member John LaRue's Avatar
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    In 1996 I started 10th and led laps 14-17 before a carb problem bit me and Bruce May got around to take the win by about .3. I think Bruce started next to me in 11th.

  8. #88
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    Default Runoffs update

    Watched the FV and FC races. Vee race ended early due to a turn 2 incident but was alot of fun up to that point. Guess what you get with a 20 mph headwind on the start of a Vee race? 4 wide!!!!! fun stuff. Gotta give the guys in this race props all 38 made thru 1 and 2 clean hopefully the FF's will to. After a little sorting out Brad Stout and Mike Varacins (SP) battled for the lead passing each other on virtually every lap. Brad won under yellow which is to bad because they were virtually even crossing the stripe on many laps.
    Most of FC field was dominated by Brian Tomasi. Unfortunately for him he was dominated by Nikki Coello. Looked like something broke on Chas's car about 2 laps in as his car went super loose and he became the gate keeper, eventually ending up with a congo line of FC's behind him. Eventually cars started getting thru the gate. Ending up with the podium being Nikki, Brian T and Brian Belardi.

    FF stuff, slow day.

    Alex Schutte has changed engines. Looking for speed.

    Tom Schwietz has changed just about everything. Shocks, springs, roll center. All new set-up. Looking for speed.

    JT and crew have changed engines again and headed over to the chassis dyno. Looking for speed.

    Arthur Foster has changed his oil. Looking for something to do.

    Tim Webb has arrived and will be able to do a hardship lap and start from the back in the race.

    Finally tomorrow we race.

    Jim Little
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  9. #89
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Default Race Morning

    Good morning race fans,

    We have a nice day for a FF race sunny and 70 + degrees with wind gusts of 10 -20 mph. Hardship laps have been completed.

    Right now we have a tailwind on the back straight and a headwind on the front straight. Gearing at this track must often be adjusted for wind conditions. Today is a tough call.
    Unfortunately we can add Team Effort (Mike Baden and Brad Hayes) and your media guide cover boy Steven Oseth to the list of teams who have had wallets stolen.
    Lots of sticker tires seen on cars this morning, certainly more than I would have expected to see. Look for Tom S and JT starting back in 9th and 10th to try an put some pressure on at the start.
    The race it seems can't come soon enough, I guess with all the thefts, the sheer time spent here and self imposed stresses alot of teams just seem tired, frustrated or both. Hopefully it won't spill over to the race. Here's wishing everyone a safe race. Talk to you afterwards.

    Jim Little
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
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  10. #90
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    I have a fuzzy recollection of a RunOffs at Mid Ohio a few years ago where Schwietz and Sauce got tangled together on the first lap. Mike retired due to a broken suspension member, while Tom rejoined at the back of the pack. He worked his way back up to third by the time the checker fell!!

  11. #91
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    Default hardship lap

    alex shutte took off two corners on a hardship lap this am. Working on it now

  12. #92
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    Default Highlights

    Schutte and Treadway tangled on 5th lap in corner 14! Schutte retires, Treadway rejoins in 10th place.

    Full course yellow came out, with top 5 order: Kasemets, Keller, Coello, Sauce, and Schwietz.


    Kasemets and Keller battling for the lead with four laps to go; seven seconds back to third.


    One lap to go; Kasemets and Keller rub tires! whoo-hoo. Treadway all alone in third.


    Holy smokes; they're even coming out of 14. Keller wins at the line!


    Great race!

    Top 5 Finishers:
    Last edited by Jon Jeffords; 10.11.08 at 4:53 PM.

  13. #93
    Senior Member KevinFirlein's Avatar
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    sounded like a great race. Been a while since a FF race came down to a last lap drag race to the finish line.

    you gotta love winning the runoffs.... " congrats good job ! , now remove your engine and gearbox and take the box apart for us " When Rob Hines won T2 in 99 we had to push his car onto he trailer since his engine and transmission guts were in his trunk
    Last edited by KevinFirlein; 10.11.08 at 5:16 PM.
    Kevin Firlein Autosport,Inc.
    Runoffs 1 Gold 3 Silver 3 bronze, 8 Divisional , 6 Regional Champs , 3x Drivers of the year awards

  14. #94
    Senior Member SStadel's Avatar
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    Tonis had 2 car lengths on Chris between 7 & 8 on the last lap. The back section must have been something. From my toter I can see from the middle of the carousel (turn 3) to just before they turn in for turn 8. We saw Keller leading once, but Tonis was listed as the leader the start of that lap on live timing. Another lap, we saw Tonis come through the carousel first, but live timing showed Chris led at the stripe at the end of the lap prior. Can't wait to watch this one on Speed. Only saw Chris lead the one time, until after they came by after the checker.
    Competition One Racing

  15. #95
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Default Race Report

    Do my best.

    Green, Green, Green,

    Outside line gets the jump. Kasemets and Coello will lead thru one and 2.
    Treadway gets a great start, up to about 6th. Most importantly everyone makes it thru clean........

    It's immediately obvious Coello is going to play gate keeper.......

    Keller realizes this as well and on the second lap forces his way by and heads off after Kasemets. Coello is holding up Schutte, Sauce (who was momentarily off in 6) and Treadway who has just gotten past Oseth.
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.11.08 at 11:38 PM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  16. #96
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Treadway is the man on the move, forces his way by Sauce and is right behind Schutte who is being stymied by Coello who is aggressively defending his position, it's shaping up to be a long race for Coello.

    Lap 5 out of my view, I'm told Treadway and Schutte get together, Schutte is done Treadway rejoins in 10th. Keller is faster than Kasemets but the gap Kasemets was given by the gatekeeper is about 4-5 seconds. Doesn't matter we're going full course yellow. Tonis's gap is gone and suddenly Treadway has a new life.

    About 2 laps later we get the restart and what will prove to be a fantastic battle for the win begins. Treadway pulls off some restart magic and is immediately up to about 6th.
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.11.08 at 11:40 PM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  17. #97
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Tony can't be having fun, Sauce wants by and finally pulls off a nice pass in the back section and immediately begins to pull away Your top 4 are now Kasemets and Keller attached nose to tail then about a 4-5 second gap to Sauce and then a growing gap back to Coello

    Coello is in constant defense mode as more guys are lining up at the gate. Oseth, Treadway and Schwietz in close formation and than a small gap back to Arthur Foster.

    In the DB-1 battle Rick Payne has grabbed onto the back of Cliif and Arthur and has himself a couple second lead over David Livingston.

    Kasemets and Keller are in a class of there own, Fantastic clean racing, contesting most every corner and still outpacing the field.
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.11.08 at 11:30 PM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  18. #98
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Treadway moves up to Coello's gearbox and squeezes by on the inside of one. He immediately gaps TC and heads off after Sauce.

    Meanwhile at the front Keller pulls off an unbelievable pass around the outside thru 10, Brilliant, absolutely brilliant, Tonis has no choice but to cede the lead at 11. Kellers lead lasts exactly 24 seconds as Kasemets goes right back by on the inside at turn one. Good stuff.

    Treadway, who apparently likes to make work for his crew and himself, has now passed 5 of the best FF drivers in the country twice in 1 race and is into third. He begins to inch away from Sauce who has no worries behind him as TC is still hard at work fending off Steven Oseth and an amazingly patient Schwietz
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.11.08 at 11:43 PM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
    Formula car and Sports Racer Specialists

  19. #99
    Contributing Member Drivers Services's Avatar
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    Kasemets and Keller continue a fantastic battle for the lead. Keller looks inside into 1 but thinks better of it, next lap he tries the outside but thinks better of it. more good stuff but we're running out of laps.

    Tim Webb who has done a grand total of 1 hardship lap and started 24th is working his way foward, We've lost Bill Johnson and Alex Schutte to attrition but he will eventually pass 9 cars on track for a total of 11 on his way to the hardcharger award.

    Treadway will be by himself as will Sauce for the rest of the race. 3rd and 4th locked up. Gatekeeper handiwork.

    TC is still keeping Oseth and Schwietz at bay, Oseth gets under TC coming onto the front straight away and nearly has him pinned on the extra asphalt, ever the gentleman Steve moves left to let TC back on track.
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.12.08 at 12:02 AM.
    Drivers Services
    Long Island, New York
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  20. #100
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    They come thru the chicane for the last time Kasemets in the lead but Keller with a run.
    Tonis guards inside, Keller goes outside, Kasemets has seen this move before and squeezes Keller, Keller anticapates it and darts left into 11. Tonis has his hands full.

    We go thru 12, Keller is getting the power down better. He heads left under the bridge Tonis moves slightly left to defend, it's a right turn under the bridge. Tonis has induced something of an oscillation effect on himself, he's gotta get back to the right, he's gotta get back on the power. Keller does both first, he's going to have a hell of run.

    Kellers got the run he needs onto the front straight. Keller goes left, Tonis defends, Keller swings right without losing his momentum. Tonis squeezes him but leaves exactly a db-6 width between himself and the wall, hard but clean. Tonis will lose the national Championship at the line by .1 seconds

    Congrats to Chris Keller.

    Gotta run. More later

    Jim Little
    Last edited by Drivers Services; 10.12.08 at 12:04 AM.
    Drivers Services
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  21. #101
    Contributing Member Garey Guzman's Avatar
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    Great write-up Jim! Thanks for making us feel like we were there!

    Congrats to Keller and all the FF guys for what sounds like a great race!
    Garey Guzman
    FF #4 (Former Cal Club member, current Atlanta Region member) (includes Zink and Citation Registry) (includes information on the FF Kent engine, chassis and history)

  22. #102
    Senior Member Bill Steele's Avatar
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    Default First FF National Championship for Chris Keller

    Congratulations to Chris Keller for his first National Championship in FF and Neil Porter for another one.

    Also congratulations to Bill Kephart and Tonis for a great run. It it wonderful to see a one off car run up front in a field this deep.

  23. #103
    Contributing Member Tom Valet's Avatar
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    Thanks for the great write-up. The live pit board wasnt working, at least for us, and all we got was the timing data so we had no idea what was going on until you filled us in. Now all I have to do is get you a camera for Christmas so you can take some pictures and you'll be all set in your new career as pit reporter.

    Sounds like it was a great race. Cant wait to see it on Speed.

    Best of luck to you and Billy G tomorrow in the CSR race!


  24. #104
    Late Braking Member
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    Default Wow

    That must have been an amazing race.

    I gave up on print racing journalism when On Track went away. Jim I gotta say that that was one of, if not the, best race write ups I've ever read!!!!


  25. #105
    Contributing Member TimW's Avatar
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    So, I've never ever used this camcorder except when its been stuffed way down in the cockpit of the Swift, and google seems to reduce quality tremendously on upload, so its crap but perhaps it can help until the, oh, I don't know, some 11a weekday hour in December.
    'Stay Hungry'
    JK 1964-1996 #25

  26. #106
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    Thanks for the writeups. You have made all of us feel like we were there. Thank You.

  27. #107
    Classifieds Super License John Robinson II's Avatar
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    Congratulations to Chris for his first and Neil for another national championship. So what is the next step?

    Also congratulations to Bill, Dan and Tonis for making Chris' win even more special. If it were not for a piece of tire.... lady luck is a very fickle individual.

    John Robinson II

  28. #108
    Contributing Member Frank C's Avatar
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    Default Great FF Race

    I was there wandering around the paddock before the race and at Turn 1 during the race. In the paddock, I found Mike Sauce in the middle of an emergency engine change. He started at about 8:00 am himself and the picture below was taken about 10:15. Mike is in black in the background. They were just about going to put it back in the chassis. Coming from this point to finish 4th is quite an accomplishment. I also talked with Chris Keller, who was just hanging out with his crew. He had not read Jim Little's notes. I mentioned that Jim said he was very fast through 1-2, but left it to one of his crew to mention the "scary fast" part. I did not want to say that! He seemed like a nice young man. I was taking a lot of DB1 pictures and happened upon the B.C. contingent. They were fun and had real Canadian accents. I cleared up my misconception that Mark Keller was Chris Keller's dad. Rick Payne said that he wasn't. He said that Mark, no relation to Chris, is old enough to be his grandfather! They were having fun. I think that Rick said that this was his first year in the DB1, and he had a good drive to 8th. I also came upon someone from Tom Schweitz' crew (sorry I did not get his name) letting kids sit in Tom's car before the race. He was just giving them the obligatory instructions not to hit the mirrors. This was real nice and is something we all should do more. I told him this later and he said that the kids are fine - they do less damage to the car than Tom does! It was a great race with the leaders working the whole way. Below are a couple pictures of the start. They came down the hill to Turn 1 bunched up but made it through cleanly. Chris and Tonis came down the hill to Turn 1 side by side a number of times and got through all right. I think it was a great show for FF.
    - Frank Chambers
    Edit - some of the pictures got over-reduced but no time to redo now. They give you the picture, though.
    Last edited by Frank C; 02.12.14 at 1:32 AM.

  29. #109
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    Default Hat's off Chris

    Congrats to you and your dad. Great season and a dazzling finale!

  30. #110
    Contributing Member DanW's Avatar
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    Default Fuel sampling and testing protocol..

    Quote Originally Posted by Drivers Services View Post
    John, Ian

    The fuel test guys are really in over their heads out here. They are getting beat up pretty bad, Rumours and hearsay have them on guard to the point they have annouced new testing procedures and a new policy of only telling you your fuel has passed or failed and not why it failed.

    I'll add to the hear say, I went to voluntarily test the C's fuel ,when I got there I was handed a test bottle, I opened it up and took a whiff, I was met with a fairly strong fuel odor - 4 bottles later I found one that didn't smell tooooo bad. And off I went.
    Jim Little
    I am stunned to hear that fuel sample bottles (assumed they are plastic bottles) were reused. The residual fuel is absorbed into the plastic and can leach back out, even if the residue is rinsed out. It is highly likely the residue will foul the sample. Was the sampling and testing equipment cleaned properly between tests? Would anyone reuse someone else's bottle for a urine test? (OK, maybe if you remember Alice's Restaurant) It is very detrimental to the sport if a years worth of effort and expense were tossed because of inaccurate sampling and testing methods.

    I used to work in an oil refinery and pulled hydrocarbon samples using plastic, metal, and glass containers. Glass and metal was always washed in an automated washer. Plastic bottles were used once, then washed and disposed.

    I still pull samples at work for oil analysis. I buy sealed ultraclean bottles and use a sampling protocol to ensure I have a representative sample. A chain of custody is followed. We QC our outside lab annually to ensure they follow ASTM testing procedures so we get accurate, repeatable results.

    I am just a humble beginner. I have no dog in this hunt. If my fuel is ever tested at an event, I will make certain the appropriate field and lab procedures are being followed.
    “Racing makes heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty.” -Peter Egan

  31. #111
    Contributing Member Tim FF19's Avatar
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    Swift wins again....

    That David Bruns guy has quite a pen...
    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

  32. #112
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    Default FF Runoffs

    I would like to thank Scotty Segers, Bill Johnson and Bob Henson for helping me swap the engine Saturday morning and my wife for keeping the Diet Coke cup full.Sam Ryan helped me all week but was in the SSC race Saturday and could not help with the motor..There were others who helped that I did not even know their names.I would not have made it without all of them.Formula Ford is a great class with a bunch of great people in it. I did not win but I was the first old guy.Thanks to Steve Oseth for giving me room in turn one.We tried to put 4 cars in the space of 3 many times.It was my first finish in several years so in that respect a good acomplishment.Mike Sauce

  33. #113
    Classifieds Super License Joefisherff's Avatar
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    Default Great Job

    Great Job Mike, glad to see to see another car creation prove itself out! I'm sure Harry was cheering you on. True testament to your fortitude particularly with everything your family has been through this year!

  34. #114
    Contributing Member Tim Webb's Avatar
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    Default Runoffs

    Just a quick note of thanks to the FF crowd at the Runoffs. Particular thanks go out to Cliff and Tammy Johnson for taking care of me in what was a very difficult time. Cliff and his lovely wife went out of their way to both feed me and to help me with the car and with tires.

    I'd also like to thank a couple of friends from NW Arkansas, Joe, Gordon and Todd for their help in getting the car ready on Friday.

    This was my first Runoffs and I was looking forwrad to taking in the whole week, but unfortunately that was not to be. I didn't get anytime on track other than the 3/4 lap hardship session on Saturday morning. That first lap at speed was an eye opener!

    As a result of our thrash to get the car ready and my extremely late arrival at the track, I did not have time to meet most of the other FF racers. I look forwrad to meeting you in 09.

    A big thanks to Curtis Farley for his help with the motor.

    Thanks also to Dan Campbell and Bill Kephart for their offer to help in any way shape or form.

    Driver are the best.

    I'm glad to be racing in this class.

    Tim Webb
    #24 DB-6

  35. #115
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    JR said
    Also congratulations to Bill, Dan and Tonis for making Chris' win even more special. If it were not for a piece of tire.... lady luck is a very fickle individual.

    John Robinson II[/quote]

    I'm wondering what JR is refering to here re. "piece of tire".
    I had the privledge of being in the impound after the race and asked Tonis if his motor stumbled and he said "yes." His father said to me "gas problem" earlier.
    Treadway opined that he missed a shift.
    Also in my region the pole sitter dictates the speed before the green drops and I belive I'm correct in saying that if anybody would be in front of the pole man the green would not be thrown.
    I did not see it but I believe that Tonis jumped ahead before the green resulting in Keller being third on the first lap. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what the actual rule is so somebody please enlighten me.

    Richard Hybels

  36. #116
    Classifieds Super License stonebridge20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Hybels View Post
    JR said
    Also congratulations to Bill, Dan and Tonis for making Chris' win even more special. If it were not for a piece of tire.... lady luck is a very fickle individual.

    John Robinson II
    I'm wondering what JR is refering to here re. "piece of tire".
    I had the privledge of being in the impound after the race and asked Tonis if his motor stumbled and he said "yes." His father said to me "gas problem" earlier.
    Treadway opined that he missed a shift.
    Also in my region the pole sitter dictates the speed before the green drops and I belive I'm correct in saying that if anybody would be in front of the pole man the green would not be thrown.
    I did not see it but I believe that Tonis jumped ahead before the green resulting in Keller being third on the first lap. I'm not knowledgeable enough to know what the actual rule is so somebody please enlighten me.

    Richard Hybels

    The official "reason" given why Tonis got beat at the line was that there was a piece of rubber on/over/in one or both air correctors and the car "stumbled" coming off T14. Treadway said Tonis missed a shift only because Keller said so in impound. When I asked Tonis if he missed a shift, his reply was "do you think I'm a fu(king 16 year old" I took that as a NO! I was offered a look at the data but declined the bet I had to place to see it. Yes, Lady luck can be a real bitch! I can attest to that one. When the burn has healed a bit, I'll write the "book" I said I would in a previous post. I just don't have the energy yet.
    As far as Tonis jumping the start,....we were the closest team to the start finish line in pit lane. From my point of view, Tonis jumped. It didn't really matter as Keller was going to win that race even if he started a row back.

    I think the Speed broadcast will tell MANY stories. The one true thing about the Runoffs is,.....The Bullsh!t runs VERY deep!
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  37. #117
    Contributing Member Tim FF19's Avatar
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    Rubber on the air correctors? No air filter?
    If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.

  38. #118
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    Default A big thank you

    I’d like to give everybody involved with our efforts special thanks and to all of the well wishes for there support in making Chris’s races such a success.
    I would also like to thanks Bart Wolf and his crew for there hospitality and making us feel so welcome to the Run Off’s.
    The SCCA and the City of Topeka did a wonderful job in providing entertainment and dinner to all who attended they deserve a big round of applause.
    Last edited by kevin keller; 10.14.08 at 8:51 AM. Reason: post had [font] stuff in it, did'nt read well

  39. #119
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    Default FF Runoffs

    Just a comment about the start.I don't know whether Tonis anticipated the start a bit but I know I went when the flag came out and even I from the 3rd row was almost alongside the pole sitter by the top of the hill.I think Chris was a little late and Tonis might have been a touch early.I am not sure how any crew member can look at the flag and the cars at the same time unless you are Marty Feldman.It will be interesting to see the TV broadcast to see how well we all remember what happened.Thanks Joe Fisher for the kind words.Harry is starting to walk and is making improvement.He was not able to be at the Runoffs.M.Sauce

  40. #120
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    Congrats to all on what I look forward to viewing on Speed but especially Chris Keller.

    On another note, go back to Dans post regarding the fuel sample bottles. Dont you think that should be addressed? He makes a great point that you put in a whole year of effort and could get caught up with a unfair reading using a plastic bottle.

    I would believe the SCCA could afford to throw each bottle away after each use?

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