In case anyone does not know, I purchased all the jigs and molds to the Lazer at the bday celebration this year, which were then promptly stolen when I got home.
I tried everything possible to recover the trailer and parts, but it's been several months and it's not looking hopeful.
So, on October 1st, I'm going to start a crowdsource campaign to try to raise money for rebuilding the Lazer.
I've talked to a few local shops and have found good deals for buying a Lazer and rebuilding the jigs and molds. However, the cost is still a bit too high for a student's salary, so I'll be selling decals, t-shirts, and advertising space during a 45-day campaign on Indiegogo in hopes of getting financial help rebuilding.
Please mark October 1st on your calendars and watch/share the campaign on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or

-Barret Hendricks

HendricksRacing Site:
Twitter (fvkartguy):