Something we have noticed recently, is an increase in classifieds ads posted with no asking price, and little contact information. We'd like to see this trend stop, if at all possible. I know sometimes it can be difficult to put a price on something that you are unsure of value, but we would like to make sure that you are posting ASKING PRICES for all items for sale in all classifieds. This includes if the asking price is in U.S. or foreign funds, if applicable. We have heard too many stories lately of odd dealings on the forums, and while we try to maintain some distance from person-to-person transactions on the forums, we would also like to see all of our readers treated fairly and ethically.

As well, we would like to make sure that you are clear with your contact information. While you don't have to include a phone number, please be sure to post your e-mail address, or allow your e-mail to be contacted through your user profile. If you are set up to receive Private Messages (PMs) through the forums—and you should be if you are posting things for sale—please make sure you check them often.

One last thing, and I am guilty of this myself, make sure that if the forums send you an e-mail or PM from another user, THAT YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THAT E-MAIL. It will NOT go back to the sender, but will be bounced into the forums an winds up in my mailbox. I cannot possibly respond to these e-mails that are received in error, so please make sure that you pay attention to the email that you get that begins with the big capitalized words that read: DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS E-MAIL. It says this for a reason... because the sender will never get your response.
