
Type: Posts; User: dogrings

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  1. Replies

    call me it is a HILLMAN imp rear axle and drive...

    call me it is a HILLMAN imp rear axle and drive flange. Used on many lesser manufacturers
    of FF AND HOME BUILT sports racers. VARY RARE!
    I built US made March FF and we Imported with March help...
  2. Replies

    Re stolen NZ BT2

    Please all be aware of a major F,jr Event in Northen Calif in about 10 Days. It would be foolish to try and run it, but parts for sale?
    It is a unique car one of about 11 plus a few recreations, ...
  3. Replies

    Ring and pinion ID

    The one on the right is a modified Volkswagon or Volkswagen ring and pinion from a sixties bug found on all MK6 and MK 7 Hewlands and some MK4's particularly Mk 4 -5 speeds used on many Formula Jr....
Results 1 to 3 of 49

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