
Type: Posts; User: Paul Redstone

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  1. Thanks

    First, thank you for those who responded to my query. I now think I have a plan; maybe? Also, to Messrs kevskisps in London. I will be happy to send you pictures of my unit, but as I am a techno...
  2. Need Hewland transaxle information/help

    I am rebuilding my Mark 8/9 transaxle on my 1969 RP-2 Royale. I have done later Mark 9 units and I have the tools to do this work, but there are some differences that on the early unit that I need...
  3. Replies

    PIR gear ratios

    I plan to go to Beaver Run (PIR) this season with either my 1969 Royale or 83 Van Dieman. What gear ratios should I try first. Thanks. Paul
Results 1 to 3 of 30

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